Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

4 4 47 I 1 4, f. 4 MARION LEADER-TRIBUNE THURSDAY, JUNE 29,11933, SHARKEY FIGHTS CARNERA TONIGHT -1' 1 2 Home Runs Give Giants Victory Over Pirates After Losing First Game Reds, Dodgers Split Bill; Boston Braves Win Two; Cubs Wallop Phils Twice New York, June 28. (A) -Two ninth and the other by Gus Mancuso Giants an even break in today's and allowed them to increase their who dropped two games at Boston. Critz' blow, hit with Travis Jack-' son on base, tied the score, and Mancuso's circuit swat with two on the bases gave the league suetonie" to 4 triumph after Steve had pitched the Corsairs to a 5 to 2 victory in the opening encounter. A home run also accounted for the first two rusn off French, in the nightcap, Mel Ott driving out his ninth four-bagger with Lefty O'Doul on base in the second inning.

Gus matched Ott's blow with his second homer of the day in the sixth, however, and the Pirates went the ninth with a two-run lead Score: First GameNew Mittsburch York 001 100 000 4 and Picinich, Maney: Hubbell, Bell LAd Mancuso. Second GameTraynot Lindstrom Lindstrom Wener Nre Crits Doul Vaughan Cuhr 10 Annes French Swift tale Totals 34 Totals out when winning MA for Parmelee in seveath. for Laque ninth. 201 001 000 New Errors- Vaurhas, Suhr, Crite hit-0 Home Subs, Crite, TO Double play--fauchan to The renow on Tort. Struck French, HIts- of Permelce, 4 in 1 da French, 1a switt, 1 to Winnies pitcher1pg pitcher-French.

GAMES ARE DIVIDED Brooklyn, Jane 28. (P) Badly beaten by 'the score of 8 to 1, in the first game, the Brooklyn Dodgers spotted the Cincinnati Reds five runs in the night cap and then came from behind to win 6 to and get an even break in today's double. header. Paul Derringer held the Dodgers to six scattered hits- in the opener and was' scored upon only in the seventh Whethe Chiek Outen lifted homer rightfeld wall, The Reds opened strongly ta the second encounter, routing Hollis Thurston with a five-ran attack in second. 'Eppa Rixey weakened steadily, however, and the Dodgers finally overtook and passed the Reds in the eighth when two singles and pass filled the bases and Joe 100 030 010-5 11 Malone, Nelson, Grimes and Hartnett; Jackson, Liska, Collins, A.

Moore and Todd. Second 210 104 000-8 2 Phillies, 000 102 000-8 8 and Hartnett; Holley, Liska and Todd. ELMER GENTRY TRIAL Elmer "Hartford City, of Muncie, June 28. Gentry, who charged, in the Blackford circuit here with conspiracy in connection with the robbery of the CitIrens' State Bank, will not be brought here from Muncie to face the charges. Instead he will be retried there on charges of conspire acy in.

a grocery store robbery. Stripp drove home two run with a single. Scores: First GameCincinnati 014 030-8 11 000 000 100-1 Derringer and Hemsley, Manisen; Carroll, Shaute and Lopez, Outen. Second GameCincinnati 060 000 000 0005 10 011 101 14 0 Rixey, Quinn, Frey and Lombardi; Tauraton, Mungo and Loper, Outen, BRAVES WIN TWO Boston, June 28 (P) The St. Louis Cardinals' pennant drive.

struck a snag today as the Boston Braves cleared up the three-game series by beating Wild Bill Hallshas and Vance for both ends of double header, and 3-0. Fred Frankhouse held the Cards to three hits while shutting them out in the second game. Score: First GameSt. 010 002 000-3 9 000 002 002-4 10 Hallahan, Carleton and Wilson; Brandt and Spohrer. Game St.

000 000 000-0 002 000 01x-1 Vance, Haines, Johnson and 'Farrell; Frankhouse and Hogan. CUBS WIN TWICE June 28. (P)-Bridegroom Bill Jurges, Chicago shortstop married this morning, celebrated his wedding day by hamriering out six hits today rive himself batting honors in Cubs' doubleheader triumph over the Phil. lies. Coming from after the ceremony, Jurres stepped into the fray by connecting for pair of singles in the first encounter, which the Cubs won 9 to 5, and then rot four more safeties, one then home run, la the to Chicago victory in the nightcap.

Scores: First 001 000 062-9 1 I DANCE CONNORS MILL INN Wayne Antrim Orchestra INDIANS LOSE FT TO SENATORS Marash Hits Hard for Winners; Athletics Beaten by Chisox; Yankees Defeat Tigers 10-7. Cleveland, June 28. (P)-Swamping the Cleveland Indians with nine runs In the first inning. the pacesetting. Washington Senators galloped on to an easy victory today, 15 to 2.

The triumph was Washington's fourth in the fre-game series. Heinie Manush produced the big punch of the Initial inning. He singled the first time up, and came home on Schulte's single. Joe Cronin's men then batted around, and when Manush came up again he cracked out home run into full. right held standing with the bases He added another single and double to his record in four times bat.

The Indians were virtually helpless arainst the southpaw pitching of Walter Stewart Score: AD Cleveland Myer Galatser I Bozen Clasait 'Manuch Boss Harris verili Goslin Formit Rice Kama Cronin Hale Schulte Kuhel Knicker'er Blurre Ferrell Kerr Sewell Connally Totals Totals for Connelly In ninth. Washingten 011 100 011 100 Cleveland 020 000 Un, Manush, Prilak, Hale, erbocker. run-Manuh. Left bases10; Cleveland, 1. rell, Coanally, Struck Connally, Ferrell, In la Connelly, Rice.

Losing KIt by Connelly, Harris CHISOX, ATHLETICS, Chicago, June 28. (A)-The White Sox edged out the Philadelphia letica, 9 to 8 today, although the A's rallied for three runs in the ans the series, three games to two. base. The victory a gave the Chicagoninth and had the tying run on third The Sox rot 13 hits off a trio of Philadelphia pitchers while the A's knocked White Sox trio for an even dozen, including Jimmy Foxx's 18th home run of the season. It clout gave Foxx department leadership for in the the circuit leaguers.

000 118-2 12 1 Chicago 003 030 12-9 13 Cain, Oliver and Cochrane; Gaston, Durham, Heving and Grube. YANKS, 10; TIGERS, 7 Detroit, June 28 (P) With Babe Ruth hitting his seventeenth home ryA of the season as he returned to the starting lineup, the New York Yankees came from behind today, counting eight runs in the last two innings to defeat the Detroit Tigera 10 to The Babe's circult swat not only tied him for runner up honors with Lou Gehrig, but was the second longest drive ever hit outside fence at Navin Field. The ball cleared the center held barrier, distance of 455 feet, and scored two I teammates. The victory failed to gain ground for the Yanks, however, as the Senators also to maintain their one-game Score: 020 301 100- 9 3 Now 200 000 053-10 13 2 Fraser, Fischer and Hayworth; Ruling, Hoore and Dickey. PETER ELSEY, 57, DIES; RITES PLANNED FRIDAY Peter Disey, 57, died at his home on East Thirty -eighth street.

Funeral services will be held at the Owen mortuary at 1:30 P. m. Friday. Rev, C. Powell wilt officiate.

Burial will be at the I. 0. 0. F. cemetery.

Demand Made from Green and McMahon in demanding alterations in the code. He proposed minimum wage scale as high as .130 a week for certain workers, advocating $14.40 minimum for upskilled workers and gradual stepup for semi-skilled and skilled employes. Battye said 30 hour was with the use of productive equipment limited to 60 hours week instead of as the code provides, Jobason suggested to Batty that through establishment of basic labor wage, the would pay for automatically various take types of care itself and said "it we took every industry and fixed the ware for ery class of worker we wouldn't get started by Christmas." Batty, hewever, insisted that among the textile workers there was very genuine fear that once the min(mum wage were established number of manufacturers would meet part of the Increased labor cost at the expense of the higher skilled workers, RITES FOR MRS. C. WARD TO BE CONDUCTED TODAY Van Buren, June 28-The body of Mrs.

Charles G. Ward, former resident of Van Buren who died Monday at her home in Oklahoma City, will arrive here late Tburaday afternoon, according to word receiv. Traveling by train, the body wili arrive at Wabash at 4:54 P. m. the and Van will be taken from there Buren cemetery for burial.

Mrs. Ward was a resident of Van. Buren for several years where her husband was tonnected with the (Ohio Oil Co. She was in social cireles of the community. Sur.

viving are the husband, one daughter, Mrs. Helen Correll, LaSalle, land son, Harold Ward. Fantastic Angles Of Title Bout Causing Spots Before The Eyes SHARKEY CARNERA .90 -A6E 26 2051. -WEIGHT- 2601M. -HEIGHT- REACH CHEST -CHEST NECK- 20' FOREARM- 16" WRIST- BICEPS .18" WAIST THIGH CALF 10" -ANKLE- -FIST Banker Fails To Pay Income Tax riott.

TWO GAMES ARE CARDED IN FACTORY BALL LOOP Washington, June 28 (A)-Delving into income tax returns of parthers of Kuhn, Loeb senate investigators 'today developed that Otto H. Kahn, senior member of the New York banking house, pald no such tax for the last three years. announced they would seek to show there was no payment in 1930 because a sale 'of stock on December 30 of that year. Ferdinand Pecora, counsel for the banking committee, questioned Kahn bout his tax returns for 1931 and 1932 after the committee heard Kahn and his youthful partner, BenJamin J. Buttenwieser, related how Kuhn, Loch and other bankers had reaped gross profits of nearly $3,000,000 on the sale in this try of $90,000,000 of Chilean bonds now in default.Kahn told the committee he paid substantial tax in.

1928. and 1920, but none for the last three years. "I hope it will be a different picture in 1933," he said. Pecoro said -his evidence showed Kahn had sold over 3,000 shares of stock on Dec. 30, 1030, at a loss of his income for that deduction his $117,584 which was from return, and that the next day Kahn obtained the same amount of stock from his daughter, Maud E.

Mar- Two games will played Satur. day by tears in M. C. A. Industrial Baseball League.

Marion Basket will meet Marion, Shoe at the U. S. Veterans' Hospital diamond with Webb umpiring and Midwest Paper will play' Indiana Fibre the Twelfth and Western diamond with Herconer umpiring. The games will start at 2:30 p.m. VAN BUREN Mr.

and Mrs. Hershall Eubank and Mrs. family, O. A. who have Mathias been the with last two Mr.

have moved to Mishawaka, where My. Ewbank is employed, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Breilatt have returned to Hammond: after spending few months in Van Buren with Dr. and Mrs.

Harold. Kleiber. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lee spent the week-end at their cottage at Webster lake.

Mat and Mrs. Vaughn Pikenpaugh Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sutton -were Sunday guests. Jack Sutton is in Bluffton, visiting Mr.

and Mrs. T. C. Pike. Mrs, Charles Shalti and children, Paul and' Ruth, were week-end guests of Mr.

and Mra. Melling and were: accompanied, home Sunday night' by Miss Kathryn Shultz; who had spent the week visiting in the Melling home. Mr. and Mrs. Von Melling and children, Charles and Mr.

and Mrs. Williara, Melling. and daughter, Elizabeth; Mr. and Mrs. George Melling and guests, 1 Mrs.

Shultz and family: Huntington, and Eldon Husler, Huntington, attended birthday anniversary party' at the home of. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Malling, Dunkirk, Sunday. The -party'- was arranged, in honor Mrs. Glen Melling and son, 44.

1: Mr. and Mrs. John LeFavour and Mrs. Lou Oliver were recent dinner of. Mr.

and Mrs. Bernon Oliver and family, Ponito. Mrs. Lou Oliver la spending a few. days with Mr.

and Mrs. Oliver. 1. A Losure and John LeFavour visited Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Losure daughter, Louise, at Loon lake recently and enjoyed a nice catch. of fish. Dr. and Mrs. J.

E. Derbyshire and Challenger Is Expected To Be. Favored On Short Odds; Expect Big Crowd home runs, one by Hughie Crits In the in the tenth, gave the New York ddubleheader with the Pittsburgh Pirates lead a full rame over the Cardinals, BASEBALL NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES TODAT Pittsburgh Philadelphia, Cincinnati at Boston. Onicare Louts at New Tort. TESTERDAT'S RESULTA Tort, 11.

1 Second game I Cincinnati, Louts, 8-8; Barten, Brooklyn, Chicare, Philadelphia, STANDINGS New Tort St. Louts Pittsburgh Chicago Boston Brooklyn AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES TODAI at Detroit. of Cle reland. Chicage. Philadelphia, Chicano, New 10; Louis (Called ed fourth inning: rain), 10: Cleveland, 1.

STANDINGS Philadelphia Chicane Cleveland Detrolt AMERICAN ASSOCIATION RESULTS Toledo, 1: Columbus, polls (Called end of up rain), Mi Foul, 4. (10 Kansas City. Columbus Indian Foul potta Toledo Mil Louisville Kansas City Double Windup Card Arranged Fort Wayne, June 28- Thirty-eight rounds of high class baying and fighting will be presentthe Fort Wayne Speedway Friday night, June 30, and will be split up into five bouts. Two ten rounders that are twin features, 1 two six round preliminaries of above the average and six round specialty. Probably the best match on the bill will be the one in which Ginger Gordon, Vincennes, clashes with Jacquette Elverillo, the furious, San Blas Indian of Panama who brought the fight world to its feet when 'he smashed out 1 stunning one round knockout over Pee Wee Jarrett st Terre Haute last week.

The other half of the double final attraction brings together two brilliant and heavy belting little fel. lows in Jimmy Lamberson, Greek bantam champ and Jimmy Flaherty of Chicago, They are listed for ten rounds and wit tip the scale at around the 124 pound mark. Rain Proves (Continues Oat) moisture in states widely separated as Michigan Colorado. In many sections, however, scorching sun popped. out from the clouds as soon as showers ended.

The temperatures remained and crop experts said the beneAt of the moisture was thus les. seped. Of deaths from the intense heat, ported six, Ohio, three. Drownings Chicago had seven, Milwaukee re: sutomobile accidents claimed many lives, Among the day's high temperatures was reading of 99 at De: troit, but it dropped to 40 minutes as storm threatened. Indianapolis had 94 degrees, 15 new being established for days of June with 90 degrees higher.

la other sections of Indiana the mercury climbed to over 100. Colorado cities had 90 for the fourth consecutive day, but thundershower was forecast. rained in Montano after three weeks' drought, but the weather man for Texas said no moisture could be expected for 24 hours. Okla. boma City reported degrees hd, cloudy, and extreme heat continued through Kansas, With high humidity, the mercury expanded into the at Pittaburr.

breaking all records for the date. Youngstown, 0., recorded St. Paul, Minn, 93 with most of the state above 88. Lincoln, Neb. 91.

Comfortable temperatures. were reported at Den Moines, 84. dewith rain the at Milwaukee, Wis, where easterly winds sent the mercury down from high of 85; at Philadelphia where the maximum. was at Baltimore, with 80, and at Washington, D. South Dakota had tornodo South Shore and along the northeastern border, but rain companying the disorders was ported haye odiet the results a Two mage.

Kansas cities, HIll City and Salina, reported readings of. 109 bad Arkansas temperatures City, 107 Wellington COLORED NEWS The Sons of Allen club of Bethel A. M. E. church will sponsor an all day picnic.

July 4 at the BowmanFaulkner grove one mile west of Weaver. The public is invited. Free transportation from Bethel church. Come and bring a well filled basket and enjoy an old-fashioned picnic. There will be amusem*nts of various kinds.

The first bus will leave the church at 9 and continue each hour. until 12 p.m. Funeral services for Omer Hill, 56, who died at his home on West Eleventh street Tuesday morning, following. lingering, illness, will be. held this afternoon at 2 o'clock C.

S. T. from Allen Temple A. M. E.

church, of which he was a member. Rev. H. D. Saunders, pastor, will aficiate.

Burial will be made. in the 0. O. F. cemetery.

Surviving are the mother, Mrs. Delvira Hill; two uncles, William Hill, this city, Henry Hill, Kokomo; a great-uncle, Rev. David Weaver; thre aunts, Mrs. Cicero Evans pf Weaver, Mrs. Sarah Williams, Crawfordaville, and Mrs.

Mary Patterson, Akron, nieces and nephews, other relatives and a large circle of friends. Trustee board and Willing Workers of Hill's Chapel A. M. E. church at Weaver will sponsor rally and mixed program 'be.

given Sunday, 8 p. July 2, at the church. All members, and well wishers are asked to support the affair, Res freshments wut he' The Second Baptist. Layman League will met this evening 7:00 D. T.

at the The Men's Upbuilding club 'of Alten Temple sponsor plente and outing July 4 at the Wal. lace Jones Grove at -Michaelsvilla Free. transportation, will be provid. will be various: kinds of amusem*nts and plenty of, refresh. ments.

Everyone is invited, SUITS FILED 'SUPERIOR COURT Pearl Davenport vs John Davenport, divorce. D. M. Bell. Legal Loan V8 Charles Collier et.

al. Complaint to foreclose chattel Condo, Van Atta and 'DRIVER TO FARM Hartford City, Ind. Jape 28. -Raymond 25,7 of Dunkirk, was taken to the state penal farm from this city today to' serve term of 60 days, given him on charges of operating an automobile toxicated. was.

fined $15 and his driver's license was revoked for a year. KIDNAP ATTENDANT Kokomo, June 28 (A)- Ed Hull, an attendant a filling station on Highway. 31 at the edge of Kokomo, was kidnaped last night by three med who stopped at the station and forced Hull into an automobile. robbed him of $6 and then him the car. TREASURY STATEMENT Washington, June 28 (AP) Treasury receipts for June 26 were expenditures $23, balance $948,893,510.71.

Customs duties for 26. days of June were $19,009,802.78. daughter, Joan, and. Wilma Iris Hatcher visited Mrs. Lima; 0.1 3 Mrs.

Curtis Ehlers and Miss Faye Baker, Bufftlo, N. arrived Saturday for a visit with Mrs. John Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker and family and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Shelton and son, Jack, Henderson, Texas, were recent dinner quests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maddox and Mrs.

Margaret Beard. Mrs. Margaret Beard has returned home after a week -end visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dell Hewitt- Landess.

7 By EDWARD J. New York, June 28. (A)-Steaming heat brought rising temperatures Association Results At ToledoToledo 111 000 130-7 12 0 000 101 002-4 9 Pearson and Reiber; Lee and Delancey. rL At St. PaulMilwaukee.

030 010 010 0-5 3 St. 040 001, 000 1-6 11 2 Braxton, Hillin and Young; Thomand Fenner. At MinneapolisKansas Minneapolis City 001 000 001 200 001 100 0-3 10 0 Mails, Browning, and Brenzel; Holsclaw, Petty and Glenn, Garnett Sanders Takes Own Life Garnett Edna Sanders, 24, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kessler, 2302 South street, committed suicide by shooting, herself while visiting on three miles east of Silver Lake, at 2:30 p.

m. Wednesday. Miss Sanders was lifelong resident of Marion. She was a member of the Pocahontas lodge. Funeral services will be conductFriday at the Grace M.

E. church. Rev. H. C.

Powell will be in charge. The body will lie in state at the Needham funeral home until tonight. Burial be in the I. 0. 0.

F. cemetery. The United States Civil Service Commission bas announced that it received sufficient number of applications for emergency agriculpositions to meet present needs, and that the receipt of applications will close on July 7. plications must be on file in the commission's office at Washington, D. on or before that date, The examination was announced to fill racancies under the newly-created agricultural adjustment administration of the United States.

department of agriculture. APPLICATION. FOR FARM POSITIONS CLOSE JULY 7 Terre Haute, June 28. (P)r Trustees of the Indiana State Teachers' College and the Ball State Teachers College at Muncie, in session at Indianapolis today, definitely. silenced reports that these institations would be made junior molleges, it was learned here tonight.

Trustees said selection of a successor to N. Hines, president of the local college, will be delayed for some time. Dr. Hines resigned in May, but his resignation is not effective until Sept. 30.

SELECTION OF TEACHERS' COLLEGE HEAD DELAYED ODD FELLOWS ELECT Hartford City, June 28. William E. Duff was elected noble grand and Carl Kirkpatrick vice grand of the Odd Fellows lodge at meeting last evening. The (P)-Here's drys a were study in politiesi. Bellington, W.

Ya, June so the fourth ward that day's repeal referendum was layed for hour, Oficers were unable to And wet. to serve on the election board. Everyone approached claimed to be a prohibitionist, Finally, Mrs. Thamer Griffith volunteerd to announce herself a wet and on the board in order to let the election proceed, The wets carried the ward. 49 to 46.

DRYS LOSE IN WARD "WITHOUT" WET VOTE a in the fight business today and the Jack Sharkey's 15-round heavyweight tomorrow night in. Madison Square preliminaries' were over, the 1 fighters', workouts ended, and. there nothing left for the faithful to do but hustle out to dig ticket money and argue the merits of two of the strongest foes who ever collided in heavyweight, championship combat. This duel has developed more angles: than futuristic book case. The rail-birds wonderingly studied a shift in betting sentiment that brought the monstrous Italian, biggest ever 'to fight for the crown, down to the starting line at least an even money favorite with Sharkey, the man two years ago gave him a gawdy pasting for 15 rounds in Ebbets field.

Sharkey. wasn't the champion then, and Carnera, despite his 270 pounds, his six feet 7 inches of height, and tremendous reach, was just. a circus by-product, lured the ring chiefly for exhibition purposes. Sharkey conceded him, pounds, knocked him down early, then banged away at the huge hulk until the Italian was just about able to navigate through the fifteenth round. Sharkey won as 5 to 1 shot wins, going away.

Yet today, there was every prospect, backers due to, Sharkey, and the eagerness of those willing to bet on the Italian, that Carnera would, enter the ring slight favorite, first heavyweight challenger in the history of boxing to do ,60 The reasons for the betting trend were hard to find. Sharkey is in the prime of life for'8 heavyweight who lives carefully. The prize ring con point: to. dozen titleholders who fought their best at that age, Gene Tunney 'among them. Just as Sharkey has trained perfectly, displaying speed, punching power, sharp eye, confidence, and plenty of venom, so have Carnera's workouts been most ordinary.

He is tremendously fast for such a huge creature and his left jab starts out with the speed and accuracy of lightweight. But he still can not seem to punch. hard, sudden shifts in attacking styles baffle him, and he can not hope to compete with Sharkey In ring generalship. The amazing, under current of respect for the big Italian probably reverts to his knockout victory last winter over Ernie Schaaf, the. Boston heavyweight, who died a few days later an operation revealel that he had entered the ring critically ill from.

a brain infection. Despite the medical, evidence, the jab that knocked- Schaaf down and out in the 13th round apparently has riven Carnera the. reputation of "killer;" something' he failed: to display in bouts with Jimmy Maloney, King Levinsky, Larry, Gains, Paulino and Stanley Preda, whom he could not floor. The friendship of Sharkey for his stablemate, Schaat, the bitterness with which he chased Carpera from the dressing room that night; the pledge be has reiterated to revenge the blonde youngster's death, alt seem to have been overlooked by the betters. The volatile, temperamental Sharkey thane never -fights at keener! pitch when his emotions are aroused, 'The sale.

of tickets assumed sprightly pace today with the best $15 seats bringing up to' $40 in the hands of 'speculators, but' there seemed little likelihood that receipts would exceed $250,000. There will be no broadcast from the ringside. Physically the warriors shape up as follows: Sharkey. 31 Age 26 205 265 6 ft. 1 Height 6ft.

in. Reach 84 41 Chest -(normal) 3hest '64 20 Forearm 16 Wrist Biceps ot Ar 18 Waist 24 Thigh 30 Calf .20 10. Ankle (Continued from One) consult when peace is threatened are based entirely on disarmed world. In other words, 'consultative pact must carry with it a disarmed Europe, 8t In this connection; David sald France had reached the understanding that neither the United States nor Great Britain could enter into any, guaranty of security, for the continent on and the that she formulation was now pro's of number of treaties among the Euro. pean nations for mutual assistance to continental European countries alone.

3 Davis: reached the vacationing president hazardous ride through sever miles of rocky shore line through the for today from the destroyer Bernadou which picked him up at Boston. He remained on the Amberjack for lunch and dinner. The for dame tu'thicker then ever to keep the, president here through third day a and for the fourth night. MRS. MOORE RITES June 28.

The funeral of Mrs. Dora E. Moore, 67, who died 'at her home in Montpelier Tuesday, will be held Thursday at 2:80 p. m. at the Baptist church with burial in the Woodlawn 'cemtery.

The husband, John G. and one son, Harry, of Montpelier, survive. prospect of another huge' title defense against Primo Carnera Garden's bowl on Long Island. NIGHT DIAMOND BALL DELAYED Two Games Carded at Matter: Park for Friday; Reflectors Need Adjusting. Exhibition, games which were planned for tonight to open the new diamond 'ball field at Matter Park were postponed until Friday night as workmen 'were unable to get the reflectors adjusted.

The lights are up and the bleachere installed and it is expected that the reflectors' will be adjusted. tonight.h I Two games are planned for Fri day night by teams in the Kiwanis' Club League. The U. S. Radio will meet the DeMolay at 7:30 p.

m. and The Chronicle-Tribune will play the Home Corner Aces at 8:30 p. m. No admission will be charged. Representatives of teams in the Kiwanis Club League and Dr.

H. H. Turney, director of the league, met night at The Chronicle-Tribune offices to make plans for operating the Clemens Kast was chosen 88 thee official umpire. least two games will be played on each of five nights of the week after the diamond is ready. Two Are Named To Farm Board Indianapolis, June 28.

-Appointment of two persons to the state board of agriculture, and the renaming of another member, announced today, by Gov. George Stolte, Fort Wayne, Democrat, was appointed to succeed Oren E. Felton, Fairmount, Republican. Stolte Indiana is house a of former member of they representatives. William.

H. Settle of Petroleum, president of Indiana Farm Federation, Republican, was named to succeed Richard Don Canan, Lafayette, Republican. John Bright Tebb, Indianapolis, Democrat, and member of the state senate, was 'appointed to succeed himself. The appointments are effective Under the state government reorganization act, the men will serve at the will of the governor but not to: exceed four years. They will: attend a meeting.

of board of agriculture here tomorrow. OKLAHOMA SENATE ASKS FOR STATE REPEAL VOTE Oklahoma City, June 28 (AP)-The Oklahoma senate voted 23 to 15, today to request: Governor W. A. Mur. ray' to allow the special session to consider a statewide vote on repeal of the 18th amendment.

The resolution was adopted by the house SAVE more than you PAY Dont buy any refrigerator or make any agreemeats or commitments until you have seen and compared the amazlog values offered by MAYFLOWER The De REFRICERATOR A Now at popular prices of massmade refrigerators: For the first time, a Mayflower is offered Priced as low as $99.50 Delivered and installed, -(Tax Paid) Pi Oaly a few dollars down sad easy monthly payments, if desired: See this value LEASY. TERMS. O. GORDON GAS CITY Operating on Central A Standard Phone 162 3 4.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.