The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

Help Wenlsd Fsrviole 16 THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, SMurd.r, Feb. 23, 195 to) -UCI YOUH WANT iflSMK frrcOME TAX returns wexmrei in INTERESTING OFFICE POSITION FOR HIGH SCHOOL CRAD COLLEGE UNDER CRAD AND COLLECE CRAD TRAINING on Job for promotion. Liberal employe benefits. 5-day week. APPLY RETAIL CREDIT CO.

90 FAIRXJE ST KW 47 BOOKKEEPING, typing, gsrv erol office work. Age 20-30. Fire insurance agency. Good future. AL.

5616. ASSISTANT to purchasing agent, an 33-2K. knowlsrse of traffic ard inventory control helpful. EtcelK-nt uorlooa ennHttona Good anlary and promotion opportunities Glva full particulars aa to edwaaon. ex pen-cure and majital status.

P. O. Box iTlNOTWElDPERATOR RAVE Immediate opening for Journeyman operator. Ce.pable of nandllng modul 34 machine, excellent pition (or glit miiL Contact Jesse i Oa ELIakLE. fcettiwd man for office sod to run some errands and typinz.

Some insurance experience preferred. (No drinking.) Hours: 8 to 5. Rear arable salary paid Give references, addresses end phones. A. 197, Journal-Constitution.

22 to ir, Warn tha finance field. Permanent employment, paid vacation, many benefits. Automobile and all e.pensea furnished. Apply In person only. LUA ar I HKir i 35 NW BTG-ER-ELECTROMATfC FULL TIME.

PERMANENT. Top starting rate for experience truck line oilier. Great Southern Tracking Viv, mu'erBirv rX. 9-4TIjju service man wanted for service department. Truck dis patcher and lire service.

STAAvAP TIRtz CO. 774 Gordon RETREAlJ shop foreman wanted. Must be experienced Lodf capper sna foreman. Kxceuient compensa tion, paid vacation, hospital insurance. Royal Tire Service.

Fensa- Mri. Marshall. AFRO CORP il anta Afrnort nnan ifigs for experienced aircraft and engine mechanics. ALSO expert enced aircraft stieet metal median-lis and aircraft UDhotsterers. Con- NeaLPO, 17721.

CUSTOMER SERVICE OS AND Cf.ERK Exnerlenced Position hna Iviaal hi lltlea for future. Great Southern Trucking 352 tniversny PL. s-2661. GOOD refrigeration service man to service ngioaire commercial ana domestic products. Must be well ex- penenced to handlst anv lob.

write: M. THOMAS. P. O. Box 35l Augusta, lieoreia.

Vugusts Georela. TREE SURGEONS-" NEED experienced men to earn too wages in tnis area. Hesiaenuat worn. no traveling, fermanent employment EL. 144.

YOUNG man for general office and plant work. Must be able to tvpe 3U words a minute, unlv applicants Interested In permanent emnlovment need aoolv. or appointment call X'Utftl w-3L. BARBERS not having Florida license Let ua coach vou in barher science. 43 EXPERIENCE NOT JUST heginninu.

ma. Barrier couege. Jacksonville. DftAWS.MA!rifN(TTNrTSR Exueri- enced In air conditioning, heating or ectrlc work for consti ting en neets office. William A.

Brown. 12i3 tonneclicut Avenue. NW. Washing-Ion 8. C.

GTlfSD reliable barber wanted. Nice, clean, air-condltloned shop. In one of the fastest-growine little cities in Cohh Countv. Must be sober and re- llshle Call Anvell nlfhta 2727 or z3Laav. TELEVISION technician for bench and outside work.

Must be expert enced. References required. Good or portunltv for right man. Cherokee Television 3180 Ro swell NW. ra.

j'H. WANTED Man to represent Eastern firm, familiar with Hides and Skins, residing in this general vicinltv. to cover a radius of 300 miles. Reply to S. S12, Journal-Constitution.

GARDENfiR-CARETAKER for large estate. Must have some greenhouse and livestock experience. Must have references. Write, giving full particulars, 3. RATE CLERK LARGE North-South motor carrier needs exp.

rate elk, Immed. Phone M. G. VE. 1941.

PSRT-TlME room, hoard and small renumerallnn tn student or employed voung man for taking care of mv large bachelor apartment. VE. 8264. MECHANIC WANTED Prefer with foreign car experience but not essential. Excellent prospects.

Import Motors. 117 Ponce de Leon Ave. H228 WANT experienced casualty or auto- Suhlle physical damage adjuster, inrv nnnii rnll Mr. Rrewer. LA.

2745 days, or ME. 4-7409 nights, or Sunday. HOTEL desk clerk, exp. and reliable man. Must know hand trantcrtpL Stale previous age Mar Hotel FlqrldanJaoKsonviue.

ria, a number of typistsTor home addressing. Must be able to pickup and deliver, a. T. T4, Journal-Constitution. APPRENTICE emhalmer, single, under 40, to work in funeral home.

Reply at once. J. 809. Journal- Constlhitlon. WANTED-Wencopter plTnTviai 50 hourt or more for test flying.

Contact Aero Mr. Smaliwood. PO 1-7721, YOUNG to run Multlllth machine and Addressogranh. Typing required. F.

120. Journal-Constitu tion PAST all-round grill man. must be neat and sober. Pine cottage Kestau-rant, 284Ponce de Leon NE, HELP WANTED for recap shop, buffers, buildup man. etc.

Stamps Tire 774 jnrdon SW. AWlTESSrVt: voune man. 2f2fi. to learn theater business No phone calls. Euclid Theater.

MPfnivirit itrafiaman foT detail work on shop drawings. Contact Paul Allowav. PL. 5-5771. DRAFTSMAN for Civil Engineering office.

Experience desirable, but not essentia! EL S8fl. CAB DRIVERS" NEEDED AgeT to Bfl. Blue and Gray Cabs. 871 Central SW. VQk'Tt ten' for manual work.

We will train. Must have transportation. 731 Echo Ii; a wtFfylifnnm clerlr Irmly marv ager't office. Georgia HoteL 114 Lurkie St NW. PaPT-TTME credit Inspector.

Tcle-phone work. Mutt type. LA 1931. Mr AIIKen. Ettsb.

Wstilna Rt, Pull, pt. time Av. $2 50 419 CapltoJAve.L EJfPfiRlfiNCED design engineers i Alromrt Corn Marietta fid TiV ttrrtnw veti and non-vetsjeeaa unuer oo. SALESMAN to tell corrugated boxes. full, nan time.

PL. hl Employment Agency Mole 48 "HE LEU A LEY OFEICE MGR. 35-45. Esp. Super- vlaing I.aree Office 00 IRM TECH.

Eip. Comples Wiring JfiOO IRM OPR Espd Open Al'CTG. MGR. 28-35. (No FEE S450 PRINTlNfl PRESS OPR.

24-40. Expd. 381 SALES TRAINED College Orad 350 PHc ID. MOMT. TRAINEE Eng.

Orad Open RESEARCH ASST. Chero. or Tes- tlle Eng. c.rad Open A COT. 25-35.


Enp'd S50O up ASST. ADV. MGR. Jour, or Adv. Crsd S4HO ASST.

CREDIT MGR. Eipd. credits A Col S450 ACCT. Cost. Frp $450 ACCT Acrts.

Psytblt Eip. JR. AOCTS. Training or Eip S250-S350 Ml'LflLITH OPR. Expd S300-S175 CLERKS Good In Flluret S275 CLERKS Beginner $225 HELEN BAILEY Suite 820 Forsyth Bldg.

ATKINS PERSONNEL SERVTC1 403-12 Atlanta National Bids. "Pellance Emp. Service 903 Os. Sc. Bank Rldt CY S558 ARTTN FNfPt.OTMENT 9S4 PEACHTREE ST EL.

STT1 Ml TO AC PERSONNEL Met. Fir, P'mont Holel Ml'. S-17ITJ RIACKWELL PETtSONNEI. 151J. Candler Hide.

Mr. 8-7020 ALTON "HICKS SEE MORE RENT DOLLARS! Use the Journal-Constitution Want Ads often! Join the ranks of moneymaklng rty owners who depend on classified ads. Just spell "Want Ad" (WA. 6323) VfMJr Ola! Help Wonred Mots Ql. fir tvr a eve open and a re ,1,1 line 47 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR WELDING ENGINEERS METALLURGISTS RESEARCH METALLURGISTS PROMINENT manufacturer of rieeva power plant eouipmenu hnvtrt In-cillllet for fabrlcaUoi and teatlrut leomil to noria in U4 field, of let unlimited opporturitlei ir recent ffraduaiet and men of exnerlenre In their Metallurgical Division.

Weldlne Kntnneera are needed lor work in production fabrication of Nuclear suro vessels of all tvpes. Research Metallurgists are nw-ded for t- search In hfen-temperature properties of materials and ti work on problems edvance ot. snd un- hamtienecl bv. prorluctlon require ments and Mealhirelsts are needed for work technical control of manufacturing process's and procedures. spertrlcaion writinc.

devel-onnient of new processes and rro-cedures and int'-Tdeparimentl im-suliatlovi. Oppor'unllv for advance- ment In ooth lf.horatorv and protiue- tion deuertments. LfBEPjM, EMPLOYE BFVEFTTS Must be U.S. Citizen REPLIES will he treated conflden- linllv. WRITE or telephone colleet for SB-polntment PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PHONE: 74351 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC.

9U W. Main SL, Chattanooga. Term. CAN YOU QUALIFY FOR THESE JOBS? With Large, Nationally Known Company Store Managers APPLICANTS mutt have the follow ing qualifications: I. SUCCESSFUL experience ss retail store manager, preferably In automotive, service station or hard line merchandise.

3 COLLEGE training preferred or equivalent in experience. 3. A WILLINGNESS to work on own Initiative a pacemaker. 4 A DESIRE to assume responsi bility and progress with the company. 1 AGE JS TO SS.

UP TO SS fKin starting salary, plus bonus. Excellent benefit programs. SO days' training before assignment IF YOU ean qualify write to: C. C. Stanton.

Box TL Northaide Station, Atlanta. Ga. nrVE full particulars, statins see. education and experience. Be sure to advise phone number so we can contact you regarding personal interview.

JEWELRY STORE NEEDS Experienced Salesman and Manager FOR new store opening soon in Greenville, S. C. WRITE W. S. Reynor ot REY'S JEWELERS or phone 23251, Greenville, S.

C. SCRIPTO, Inc. NEEDS COST ACCOUNTANT MUST hove good oe-eounting theory with experience. Must be able to type own cost reports. Prefer age to 30.

Will consider oge to 35- 5-day week. Good salary, working conditions ond employe benefits. Apply in person. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 423 HOUSTON NE Major Natural Gas Co. DESIRES nnpllrsriont from tipe-rl enced IntrrnsUonsl business ma chine operators with accounting ex perience.

Excellent opportunity for advancement. Please write to Per sonnel P.O. Boi 1812, Shreve-port. La. WANTED PARTY CHIEFS INSTRUMENTMEN RODMEN.

CHAINMEk DRAFTSMEN ONLY personnel experienced tn highway turveyt need apply to: Michael Baker Jr. Ino. 3M5T Nnrthview Drive P. O. Box S.SoS.

Station 37 Jackson. Mltslssiprrl SHIPPING CLERK Production Foreman NATIONAL furniture mfg. needs young men for shipping clerk end production foreman. Must have high school education. Permanent Job, good joiary.

Apply: Southern Wire Iron Works, Inc 4007 Old Stone Mountain Scottdale. ATTRACTIVE POSITION KOK tn Intelligent man uit mkI nd apieii.irit'e una rmriy io aivept MHr.n irrmtm- it Oppstrmni Mr d-VBncement. Irsuraru-e and re tirement pi! 5rsi on profit shurtrg. finis For loca. tntenlew riie fro- Orr.

Su ioa Hslp WmitMef A a I un (n rs 49 'SATBfflAiT SPECIALTY. BY to travel en'ire U.S. and Canada: can take wife along, Gjid car and reference necessary. Exoerten' calling on retail ilnrM nrelerr-fl Snljtrv and lib eral draw against ouraiuiiauons per wm. Call E.

McDonald. Dinkier Plaa Hotel, between 1 and m. Saturday or Sundav. YOUNiJ Si IS-Tr55; Ej assist salet manager ui state-wide adv. program.

Must be responaibie. hard, eons-atent worker who It interested In a permanent jcb with a secure future but who it not afraid to work for It. Sales experience helpful but not necessary. Must have car. Man selecti-d will be given un-job training at run pay.

immediate opening. I5ALES REPRESENTATIVE NATIONAL concern dlttributine Wesriruzhouae laundry eouiomrnt Salary, commission, expenses. Pre-viout telling experience necessary. Minimum age 2K A no cant must take aptitude test Will be trained. Write resume and phone number to T.

la, journai-t. onsntution. WiTifnal Traniik'Ttaiion Firm r-Dcv 1, A -J 1 1MC -I -a. rices in principal cities, oners saies position to an aggressive naru-worK- (ntj in the At'nolH district office. No travel.

Salerv plus com mission and bonus wnn a wiac-awaise sales nrvMiiiation. If vou are be tween ages of 36-45. call WA. 45i0 for a personal interview. "PAINT SALESMAN EXPERIENCED dealer-salesman only for Atlanta and txortn teiTltorv.

aiarv and commissinii car allowance and CMnenses. (Ivce lent opportunitv for man with ahiljtv. For appointment, can mr. inanpier, it. Y41B Manna rami inc.

247 Whitehall SL, SW. 3 SALESMEN" OVER 25 vrs. old. soher, neat and ammtious witn any type saies tx-perienre. who would like to learn the car husiness on a good commission plan should call the tales manaeer at Crest Motor for appointment, Revlon Products orp.

BEAUTY talon division, experience preierred. travel southern stales, excellent salary, exnenses osld. Real fu- ture. age 2fS-35, must relocate. For local interview, apply only V.

149, ourna l-conslltutton COMMISSION SALESMAN COVERING North and South Cam-Una, familiar with Crawler Tractor Owners, selling Track Rollers which require NO GREASING. vou are willing to work and expect a good Income, reolv In detail to P. O. Box Albany, Ga. WANTED Factcrv representative now calltne on wholesale plumbing suppliers to handle our plumhing specialty item, jldco 3204 Sackett Cleveland 9.

Ohio. SPECIALTY-" salesman. Bible, sliver, cook, eouinment. magazine exnerl- ence wanted Start today at man agement position. Phone Mr.

Horn- mei. ELBin Tins. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY afforded to men who are ambitious and willing to work. Apply in personal 14 SALESMEN with telephone Intangible or specialty experience. Sell special radio advertising.

Phone EV. 6525 for appointment, FULL-TIME comm. saietman. must have car Direct selling house fur- nlsMnc 2624 for appointment FURNITURK and annliance sales man to work inside and out of store. CH.

37S8, Solesoeople Mole, Fm. vt'AVTrn AT ONCE (101 voung men or ladies. l-2. free to travel, doing circulation wonc. txo exp.

requireo. See E. E. Burkes, Cherokee Rose Courts. 13T Northsids NW.

No phone calls. an FULL or part time. Build lifetime Income. Highest quality repeat products. Distributors.

Box 207 Station Atlanta. CYpress 8858, Instructions Male 51 MAKE big money In the termite and" post control business. Tasy work, plenty to no. write Termite tnstruc-Fions. 216 Beverly West Co-umhia TF1.EVTSTON ELECTRONICS Ac- credited trainlntr.

Placement service. Also VET-APPROVED. MU. 8-4431. or AT.

7R79. Central Tech.Inat A career for You In Transportation Southern Business University 92 Falrlle NW LAmar 19M Trode Schools Mole 53 ATWWnrLECTROrrtCS MflRP inns for men trained by US than we can fill. Prepare In De Vry Tech's great labs, full time or part time. For W. E.

White. 1058 Lindbergh NE, EX. 8554, Day-Evening Classes AIR COND. Rtdlo-TV-Electronlcs. Atlanta School of Radio A TV R4 Prvor SW.

1855-B. earn sin DAY on loh gotten you while learning Diesel, auto, body work. GI ap. 410 Ga. Sav.

BanK. 11 to 4 exc. Sat. Help Wonted Femole 55 ASSISTANT CASHIER THE Atlanta office of the State Mutual Life Assurance Co. has need of a business-minded young woman to assume responsibility of assistant cashier.

COMMERCIAL education background necessary. Life insurance experience preferred but not required. MINIMUM starting salary $50 weekly to qualified applicant, APPLY in person ot our office, 4th Floor, Woll Street Build ing, 40 Pryor SW, or tele phone WAlnut 5501 imme diately for on appointment on Saturday morning, Feb. 25th CLERKS ALSO COMPTOMETER OPERATORS HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES AGE 18-30 STARTING SALARY BASED ON PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE SCHEDULED INCREASES Good Hours and Working Conditions. Downtown, 5-Day Week AMERICAN TEL.

A TEL. CO. MU. 5-8600. Ext 8178 or Ext S38 SCRIPTO, Inc.

NEEDS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK MUST be oble to type ond use 10-key adding machine. Will teach to use Burroughs Bookkeeping machine. 5-day week, good salary ond employe benefits. Apply in person. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 423 Houston NE SCRIPTO, INC.

needs CLERK-TYPIST MUST be accurate Typist and hove good handwriting. 5-day week. Good pay and working conditions. Apoly in person EAAPLOYMENT OFFICE 423 Houston NE dTauttctan ra. ttm.

oayi cb. rra. jrroBT Saltismeri a call I HAS off r. ir miis 49 CAN YOU QUALIFY FOR THESE JOBS? With Lorge, Nationolly Known Company Wholesale Salesmen APPLICANTS must have the follow-Ins qualifications: SUCCESSFUL wholesale experience as wholesale salesman. Preferably In automotive, service station or hard line merchandise.

3. COLLEGE training' weferred or equivalent in experience. 1 A WILLINGNESS to work on own Initiative a pacemaker. 4. A DESIRE to assume responsibility and progress with the company.

I. AGE 28 TO 33. UP TO 38.000 starting ealr.ry plus bonus. Car and expenses furnished Excellent benefit programs. 80 days' training before assignment IF YOU can qualify writs to: C.

Stanton. Box TI. Morthsld Station. Atlanta, Ga. GIVE FULL parti oil art, statins an.

education and experience. Be sura to advise phone number ss ws can contact you regarding personal Inter view. SELL CHEVR0LETS THIS IS an opportunity for amblrlout young men who would like to make up to 31,500 per month, and also train for management position In an automobile Aoplv tn oar- son to CENTRAL CHEVROLET 2930 PEACHTREE RD. Georgia's Largest Chevrolet Dealer SALESMEN ATTENTION THIS is a 1100 week and op position for ths right person looking for permanent work with good future -In sales. EXCELLENT benefits including liberal discounts.

REQUIREMENTS: Neat Appearance Must Have Car APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE DAVISON-PAXON CO. ATTENTION THIS td is directed to young men between 20-30 years old who are looking for a sales ponttlon with shove average pay and where opportunities for advancement to store managers are greater than ever before. Previous sales experience is not necessary. Must have a car and be ahle to travel 100-mile radius ot Atlanta. GENTLEMEN, I am sincere when I say you will not be disappointed when I explain to you the advantages that my company can offer to you.

Believe me, this Is not lust another ad painting a pretty picture. If you are honest, sincere and have any desire at all to become a junior executive In the nesr future you should Invest an hour of your time In answering this ad. THIS is not canvassing position and we do not sell books. Insurance, pots and pans, etc For personal interview see Mr. Hall st 311 Feachtree, 0 a.m.

to 5:30 P.m. I WILL hire I or 4 hleh-callher talesmen to tell the fastest-growing truck line In America. If vou are Interested In making 110. (TOO to 112.000 per vear. please contact sales manager; RE0 MOTOR CO.

95 Marietta St. NW SIM 6711 THE RATH PAKtN3 COMPANY BLACKHAWK MEATS GROWT of our company creates an onenine in Atlanta lor an ae yresslve institutional food salesman. this openine has excellent future potential (or a real producer. IF YOU have an Institutional or restaurant background either in sales or operations, and are look in for a real opportunity wiin a onauenee, please write Sales Personnel Man-awer. The Rath Packing Water Limi Tnrw GIVE complete details in first letter atre.

experience, past and present employers, address and phone number, ATTENTION, MEN 8 HOURS PER WEEK TROLLEY operators, hus drivers, route men. firemen, policemen anc all men with families who want to increase tneir income in tneir oir hours. Should eam $27 per week start, earnings of most men douhle this after training. We can show vou facta and flguret from men who answered thla ad 6 months ago. Apply Saturday, 10 a m.

sharp. Fen. 5Sth. uk for Mr. Park.

NO OTHER time. 136a spnng inw TOPCHAINSAW SALESMEN WANTED FASTEST growing romnany in chain- saw business will pay excellent salary plus commission for top flight dealer talesmen. Free to travel extensively. Chalnsaw experience preferred. Age 25 to 35.

Opportunity for advancement to District Manager Send hill resume, will he re turned. AH replies confidential. Send now to n- 1a, Klu. journai-uonau Won. PAINT SALESMAN NATION ALLT known paint mana- farture: has opening, SHlesmsn.

ei-perlenced in seliinif paint to psint ip snd building Hupplifs deal ers. Established Norm Georgia terri tory, nt luninn At salary, ex penses siiri bonus, uppcrtunit? for advancement posH inn and earnings, intrurarcei and retirement plan. Renlv jjte. eaucauon. pas, experience.

Journal-Corutttiitkm Bireiey's Division of General Foods Corp. NKKH.H man with route-selling et-perience who wiling Io travH. Prefer aijtn with berernge. bairfrv or slm-ttai wpenetipe. school education, neat pr'uranee.

Salary, expenaef and transportation. PonULi T. C. Bate-man, fllltmora H'uel, antll Saturday roon; tttrr Saturday, telephona Llb-erty 6-592, A thenrja SALESMAN OLD Atlanta firm has an oDfmmt a coprruril on machinery salesman. Must have nackirrrHjnd In this or sellln or In construction wnrk with a desire to sell.

Car furnished and drawtr.s? accrrunt svt! Good ODPortmiity sor man wtninff to uvrk. It lntereRed. details In cor. rei'vndeire to IH. Airnal- for errrVnctti men with fI-l-vv-tne (nr I'nte of ST, rorthern half of Vi mam.raHurers of and iV.

elcrtrlcal fixUnrs Sulirt cet'ins and wail fixure. Fx-ile-it for the nebt mun. Write ex-riletife and rvfererces. svhi will ken ntial, to tr.amoion MfjT. 140 23rd Hia-, COalcTOftTSALESMAN R'Tf, rmenln -r rood rjmirure appliance tnlearean.

R'-ute already Automohlie I Ftaoitura 419 ataritrSA mm Solsimsn Buildina -Ganarcl Repairs CA1.C BROWN. Sava on all refSfit-Rixiftnc, aiding, suiuua. rages. JijriUJlu rQLUSl RKPA1HH. tiafiiiing.

af-reenlna rairt ri. aridlttoi'a. Armaironat Cor.trac- toriPL. S-asfiJ, nliihnPL. S-IH32.

rriP reTlnhla mintera. nairpenlt'it. Waterpnuiteri Contrarlors Supply 54BV senenil rer-aTra. Roomt added. Nock, brick work.

Ml' 8 S7'4 rvv rTT rwr. I'MSTISG. FRtB ESTIMATES. I'L. MSS9 I'iiiM-l'iflJTi TK.RM.i.

P'J. 7-Mb3. Awnifiaat and Screens CIt'E XO5 aTurniiiiini'tirrilTin ni aaaenjnada Jo rdar Csmsnr WorkWorerproofinf JOE HUNT 47-3456 TVES BS LOT? 'irETG BRTCK amfWor work. too laixe or amoUlwA 67W.IM. 7Sft fJrUVEWAYA baaementt.

ttf. Fretat Smrt 013439. iVwava ai.lewnlka nnfloa. etr. Fred VE, (74L.AU..JlIiB rfl.

Corpanfer Work fflRCHKS. ateni. replffH XB jmall Kree ant MU, -TJ9. RKl.tARLE anil 'eoall wort. JB-Xtmrt-ffEi-fVi-S JPtl.

i.Simnpy rurnoct Kepolrs "repaired VAC CI.EANliD ATLANTA COHSTSQ. CXaTJJ7 Electricol Work BisTaXI. adequate wiring In your home. New and rewiring. Qne-Uay service In Greater Atlanta.

Ir wliina tor maior appliances. HTYOUR wlrlne svstem safe? Avoid accidents. We rewire old houses No money down. 1-10 yrs. to pav.

8: SO 1 AL, 4lSjnlsrM AT. 51 gTEC WOSKReasohible pffres. Fencing SO down payments. All types of Jsf bgnePQ, mi Miy time. tloot rinishing pAINTtvrjT-: Interior and exterior.

Fliair sanding and flnuriine He ranwntry repairs, work guar. Free estimates. WSuttles. SY. 4-079S.

FLOOR sanrlfng snd flnlshln? Tile linoleum. Calloway, ALplne 8071. Floor and Woll Tils LAYWfir flHIshirlasuwairtDe. PO, 7-0333. S-J7M.

Furnaces Hooting Systoms ft HR. Heating Service Pree est Trade old heaters on new furnace. 1-ip years to pay. AL njgni 1-4713, Gradinq Escovotina end en3 loader and truck l-aiue and small lolis. Free estimates.

R. J. fitts. Hi I. l.tViZ WOK nTTfo JorT-too snail.

Free estimates, ruwm Fll.trDIItTa.ills. sawiiunt. Small Hauling WOODS SOTL," fffl dTft crushed stone flagstone, rotted sawdust, cotton mnte Patios, pick walls, land scaping reeest. iX- i-ijrMi. rrVfll rloh hlack tonaoTl wtln or wlthcsit Bermuda.

SlO Stone Mnun'aln 1T126 davs: nii'ht 4ivrj nflnTmovTng or haullnif. Ressnn-sble rates. PL. 3-9242, PL. S-5323.

BUCK" WmDS "S5lttThabest vou can buy Lit. 73-7. Londscopinq Tree Service) COW MANURE ROTTED. PULVERISED BROWNLEE A LIVELY XCHANCE lWf COMPLETE landscaping, iawns. trar-dens.

dilvewava. pruning, fertillzlne. You name it we do IL DI. 3733. PI ESPERT tree removal FuTTv Tn.

lined. Tavlor Tree Serv PL.8-170& "LANDSCAPING' BY NIX EVERCHEEN S6h4 "TREES, "walls or" foijndV- tlons 7307, Moving WANSLEY MOVlNti AND STORAGE Local Lonu Distance Clean. Mnatized vans IL 5517 Nlhts: MU. 8-6240 DIAMOND' Transfer and Moving. We haul for leaa.

LA 4537. CY 316H. LANIG IrTThe-Mwing-Ma nT haj superior service. LA. 7578.

Painting PAINTlNf! InferTiir and exfefliir. While, reliable veleran. d'tes own worK. yree csiitnateH. worn guar- teed.

DI. 4362, RfiOAltLE PAlNTBfiS-r-Tftaiiim. nl)le liHoea. Kree eHtlmnlea Wnrlc Kuarantead. Fred L.

y'einuaon, f.Ef MAC do your painting and carnenicr to paint vour noma 0 Morrla. CReicenl 7S81. Pointing ond Decorating INTERIOR-" ETrElilOTi imlnFmT Floor sanding, general repairs. FHA terms. Free estimates.

Work guarantied. White tabor. W. H. Dupree, AT J1S1.

PAfNTINlT papering, roofing, carpentry repairs. Lli years' em Free estimates. Mr. Murphy, CR. 7031.

PAINTINGT PAPERING- Tiie best In workmanship. Mr. Hell. EM. 4642, Pointina ond Papering PAlNTTNfT-nHiierinir.

old naner rp- moved. 20 cxp. While lalmr. Work piar.Jf. M.

Chambers, pi. SHSS PAINTING rooms. 7 up. Patch iHHtering and iapeihatiing. I'L.

5HS4. hEPAtlUNG, papering, plastering, painting, sanding. RobL Webb. PL. 39H73.

PAPERING nalnting. tfem Tone. All work guaranteed. Isaac Webb. PL.

i a '4 j. 4 HA- ll.n ar Blast, Elijah Wehh, PL 3'5no: PAINTING. pupeHhg and repalrliig i white laiHirjj. lxm ihk. b-ain 'aInTING.

papering. paper re- moved. (White lbur.) EM. 8771 Plastering PLASTERING, stucco, cemenL RA- pcrlng. painting, carpentering.

Rea-sonnbie. Guaranteed. Gaston. CY. 1337, Roofing and Guttering ROOFS "Tt P.

PAIR ReronfTne" Ine. gutters denned, minted, repaired J. KINARll ROOFING CO 3 PAY OR NIG11L RTjCiP" I.FTArtS STOPPED" $3 John Rawlins, day i night, AT, Roofing ond Siding ROOFING. SIDING LET US recommend a reliable contractor, free estimates Financing avail. Hen Hill Lumber and Supply Co PI.

5 7711 HAPPY ROOFING CO. Siding, built-up roofs, renalrs a Oyi Septic Tanks SEPTIC" tanks cleaned Sl8 and up Rpd Installed Charles Sea-r' CALL US for yistr reunhnlgterlnt. 35 years' experience. Easy terms. HASS FURNITURE CO.

MU 8-5123 146 Mitchell SL Venetian Blinds HirSIs or Custom-made blinds. Free tnstiilln-Hon. EJ Oxford A Associates, 10.19 Highland JEUlrS31. Window Shodos ALL shades-nvfliTTnaTinieii. Low piires.

Ed Oxford Associates, 1039 N. Highland at Va. Ave. EUMi ,3831 EDUCATION AL- Schoflls and Colleges 46 nn school at AuvptratJ cptiAnl SN VRAB.4 OPEHATION OUR LTaduntcn have enlerer) over 5H0 coHeeea Write for free booklet. uept.

a box 4ia, Stile Station. Atlanta Georgia Ffirf5TTXrW emtHmrmTbr rFATT l-'-FAUTY CULTURE. Full time or part time dav clasa for shirt work art Call or write MOLEft OH. LEGE S4' Marlelts St AL SJfl EMPIOYWCNT Help Wonted Mole 47 HOWARD JOHNSON MANAGERIAL TRAINING OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED TWOS of ro'l who to yet arnie- rhere ran ad an, In out orvant -ation. We ara contlnuflllv exnaroins IiulMa'ia Alabama lie.inia.

to entv, out a If You can Or- trained hero In Georia for as well ns otler I'mhiiwi zt-21 i't triihl ha.e a rai anil he a-lilce reloratf Aon'v In wrilinf riving a brief rvaune of baCrroand to. b. HOWARD JOHNSON, Boi 131 Harwvuit. it. Inc.

Afl 1 GENERAL WANT AO RATES (AaeMat 0IM Stilt at flMTfll) undo 91.04 aar Mm lll l.0S as llM MlataBwaa ad ateaatat II saw. AHYi All mi nm in kit flit talc) eeeetltnllae (ai'ralni) and dally ItI levaelnsl la aasaeaartlve laaaea at aralai tnd evsalnt tat null at eiaat-rid and allied at laal adtartlatinsiit, Cffiae Mara mum a.aa- Mae. aw Hiram atida. COMMERCIAL UNIE RATES (Applies Within State of Georgia i I Aim DaiMay (2a Bar Una I Una Oally la Mr llaa I aaaatiutiva tlntaa ae. day! sat Mr llaa 7 ssaiaeutlve liaaee (aa.

tay 50a par lis aaaataulive llmaa fat. day) 4fta aar llaa IS4 Oiueant lar Cat; Mlnlaauai ad aeatstet twa lima. TRANSIENT WOttD RATES I II Dally kstk astira) ar Suaday lit aar rard I tlaiaa aanaaeutlv. Daffy (Mil aaaara) ar tar ward I tuna, aaAatruthnt. Dally (Salt nm) end Saaday Stie Mar ward At, Dlsaaant far Chi Midi auau ad taatattd IS wtrsa.

ERRORS trra.t I tlaaelfiad edvertlelas ehault at naartad laaaaedlatsri aa Tka Jaunul-Baaaltutlae will aal ta raaeaaelble lar star, thaa aaa faaarraal Inaartiea. Atlaata Naaiaaaare, will aal aa Habit far any mm la advanlasmaau la a traaiar ai-tnat thaa tha teat al tha hmi aaaualad ky tta Itaai la Ike advartlaaaanl WHEN CANCELING A WANT AO a Mrtain aa aa far yaw aaaaatlatlaa naiaar. Thla la yaar retard and to Inaartast that ya haft It la tha avaat tf aay Ituadarttaadiat ar adluataaat. DEADLINES aadtyt lut a a. Saturday.

TaaHai Ikrauia Sataraay: a.a. arnrleas day. unsay: Friday. Nt aa aaa.

aar. natlaaa ar aaenalUlloaa aaa aa aaaetstd tatsrtay a.aa. lar tha tuaday taaaa. CORRECTIONS May aa aaaee aa luadan kilaaaa Has aauri at 4 a. at.

aaa I a. aiaaaa tail WA, iOit Irtnnaiaa ill. INDEX TO WANT ADS PECIAl ANNOUNCEMENT IFiiaaral Natlaaa thrautt Ladaa Natteaa.l ANNOUNCEMENTS S-M (Tmt Traaaaartallaa tartete flues Claanad and Dyad.) USINtSS OIRECTOKV 41 (Kind at Sarvlaee Ofltrad.) EDUCATIONAL 44-44 (Dantini a.kaala tamiia (akaala and Callraai. I IMPLOyMENT 47-SS-A (Half Wlateal. Mate, Hiraufh Situa-tiiai Waata.

Fainala. (aia. A fey. I S0L0KEO EMPLOVMENT S4-SS Halt Wanted. Mala, thraaih tltualiant Wanlad.

Mala aad Faaiala.l FINANCIAL 7S.SS lluilnaaa Oaaartaaltlaa Ha-aufb Want.d ta Barrav.) LIVCSTOCK. POUITRV (Paaltry tkraaah Wanlad Llyaataak I tan SALE MISCELLANEOUS la-lot (AflMlaa far Sala Ihrauah Maalaa aaa StariH.I ROOM AND IBS-IS laiaraara waataa UraaO HrtaH.I 00NS EON KENT IOS-III num. raraianaa. farauili Wanlad. Baami and Baard.) ENTALS II4-IJ4-A (AaartaiMa.

faraliKad taraaak Wanlad ta tint I SEAL ESTATI ISS-ISS (Nartk Slda tkrauat Saai I at at a Wanlad.) AUTOMOTIVE ISI-KM (Aulaa lar aala ttiraudS tlrplaaaa.) ANNOUNCEMENtS Cemetery Lots and Crypts 6 WESTVIEW 4 crave lot. 3B. Ter-race Garden of Memories. Rea- sonsblt. CKesrent 22U4.

Special Notices 7 Cl ANSWEklNO help wanted aua with Dux num tiers du nut send orlEl' Mis of valuable papers. Copies will do si well Lost snd Found II LOST" In "vicinity tw-rgh Brlva, large bltrk and white Dalmatian dog, wearlnv red collar with license tag. answeri tn Chria. Reward Call pXihanjie 2531 bird or. Blarlt and white speckled.

XlT aLwnU.rr v7. LOST! -Tllack fniltie Tiag. containing jwih- smanea. I1IH4IICK, I'omtiaci. on NorUislde Drive lietwaan North Avenue.

KaainatW StrnaL. Rawarrl FLaxa S-2HAS. STHAVkl) vlcln IV nt ftnnavllla rtciKioi, gray-nnii-niflCK-stnpea cat. rlhlion and bells around neck. Call fcinlar 7M7, after 8 p.rn, EMT-Feb.

Jtilh, male. mixed Shepnerd dog, buff and white, Indianapolis tag 434070. Reward. 11 U. 5- fOST Aqu male parakeet vicinity we fc'eatchaater Drive.

Dccalnr. lee camlet name r.v. uvwi LOST: Red billfold, downtown, contains money, important papen. Reward. Bishop: KMerson 2fi90.

FOWfi Mixtured husky male, ap-proximatelv 80 pounds, lag. 30e2Jj. Pav for ad PLaza 5J267. LOST Billfold. Qreehr Between-A us-tin snd Euclid A ves.

na Moreland. Rewatd. MUrray 8-0OS0. LosTXady red wslleiTleei let and return papers, Dlcturea. Re- ward DEarhorn hollo.

LOST One grey alligator raincoat ELatn LOST Blllfofd, West Weslev. near 343- CaU CHemkee 7304, Nurseries and Baby Sitters 1 2 Vv'EEU'lsdom Hay Nursery serving Little Five Points. East Atlanta, Klrkwnod. Fast Lake. Supervised plav.

hot meala. Day or week. CR. WErarfTWr PAR It lTiirA FULLY LICENSED NURSERY Transportation EL, H1T FAi.L annroved nunary. opening anr i.

i ranaoorianon. KeaaonaDie "cn i id "In private home. tteferenres if desired. PO. 7-8H50.

WILX RftEfrTwo" "for working mothers CItesrent bW. Personals 1 3 tAblES: of thuse changinv yeais as well as periodic dtntrest In young life. Let us demonstrate the mattress with the motor. Call VE 6S13. Eyrsmslic of 304 Ponce de eon, Northeast.

CASH REWARD RILL tx da Id by reliable ctintraptfir fur tnfnrmHtion lMdtni( to th nale of remodeling remln or ttddltlont To rinrnets. I'tum? Y- SffTTLKD rhrintlan routile ran hv f'w-n hum rir wire jiervlces nxjeKeeier in mtniriter'i mrvm jnftitment. Writ fullv to Hnx 6164. CARPORTSrELT582r Protect Your Family Servant I'OHKriN collapillile wheelchair. Excellent condition.

After 7 p.m., EM-arson TTOE-FLOWER PATCH" Per turn' 114 Hmart St LEARN Tn dance the "AfinTir Murray Way. iliidai6i Camel5Way, Business Personals 14 ft R0O R114 ANT MS ADDED Porches, Carports Enclosed Our RneclHltv INTERNATIONAL CONST. CO. PLANS IDEA8 SUOflESTIONB) FREE ESTIMATES WA. 8114 TRC0ME TAX RETURNS PREPARED 15- RROAD ST.

S'W Atoks SL P'tree Arcade I.0NC, KjRM 14 SHORT FORM i' rrx ii HI'SINKSR RETURN RE AS. 30 to WB. s-14iii TAX EXPERT, LA. 2506 JAMI.S TOWN SEND H.

30 TO SHORT FORM lom; 4 on STATX oo PUS. RENTAL RETllRjyS REAS. FORSYTH SW AT V1AI (f NC0M TAX RETURNS PREPARED CHARLES ADeLOACH 7H14 Tn Volunteer Hulj. PAID BLOOD DONORS LINPE.V Branch Wood bank Is now accepting applicants for screening at paid Hood donort at Merrittt i.E. Phorre EM.

t.lf. ism. to 4 pin Mor, lav ihrounh Frldav: gaturdsv. to13 INCOME TAX SERVICE" i. r.


ARE opening a pa.rking for vour convenience on March 1st. I'-eatfd Auhum ard HutlT rear Of Big Bethel Church. For reserve tiooa call AL. II t.rr, -11 m. lornr.y rs't ail dav.

ssc: lhr, Kc. riui: her love vu more bring our btst rln tr erv Sunday Bclous 8MQPf AS 80R0 evenlrur tj r. jHOB GATrEgmtfE CA iqx Returns Prepared" aWa evo, jrtxts. rv. oisa tn 47 SALES ENCINEER TICTVPRRIXIl Under 35, preferably me'-tiani-ral for training In petroleum produou aaiet.

Aaaitfnment In S'luiheaatern stale. Salary, nnnut. ax-penavf. car fumlahed. Submit cimolete qualifications In writing.

Endow imatl photo to A. C. KiifijiJR JK. THE TEXAS CO. a BOX 1722 ATLANTA.

CA. CREDIT MANACERS LA RGE retail furniture organization operating in principal Mouthem tides has openings for credit due to ex paiislnn and personnel promotions. The positions are permanent with opportunity for advancement. Retsll credit experience and some college training preferred. After aulfleient training most las In oosirjon to relocate In one ot seven Southern slates.

Apply to J. Fltspatrirk, National Manufacture A Stores 58 Peschtret E. LINOTYPE MACHINIST SALARY OPEN Open Shoo The Dallv Oklahoman and Oklahoma Citv Times rvriTT 1TWT aanrlrlnv enndtrlrms. complete group hospital and life insurance, liberal pension and vacation plan, premium pay on six holluavs per vear. WRITE H.

Spahn, Production Manager. Oklahoma Publishing Corn-Dan v. Oklahoma Citv. MARRIED MEN PART-TIME EVENINGS $8 A NIGHT'S SALARY PLUS exnenses. nlua bonus.

Our men average sib per mgm ror a hours work, from 8 D.m. to 11 D.m. Rrand new rjartv Dlan. Showing a complete line or aeparrmeni store merchandise In the homes In front of groups of 10 or more women, by appt. only.

No investment on your part. Car required. If you are neat appearing and a high school grad. call EV. 8108 from p.m.

to 9 p.m. only. PRODUCTION Superintendent for steadily growing East Point manufacturing concern. Supervise 35 people, responsible for scheduling production, supervision of manufacturing, warehousing and maintenance departments. Age 30 to 40.

State education, experience, present salary and salary expected H. 85, Journal-Constitution, MILLWRIGHTS MT7ST alas qualify aa all-noairlon combination welders. Good pav. Modem equipment, good working conditions. Only thota qualified need apply.

B. O. P. ASSEMBLY DIV. GENERAL MOTORS DORAVILLE, GEORGIA PTEriABi.E local store" fixture 'plant needs the following permanent per-t-onnel to fill immediate openings.

DetHiler and blller. must be experl-nced, part time will be considered. WAREHOUSE man and shipping clerk, hlKh sch'iol education, age 25-35. Prefer some experience in shipping uncrated Items. Group insurance, vacation and other benefits available.

Address all replies to P.O. Hot 1069, Atlanta, or call CX, 1ML. ENC1NEER INSTITUTIONAL maintenance. Emphasis on mechanical and construction experience. Ideal situation, including living accommodations.

Good schools, transportation. State retire-ment or social security. Give full delalla as to education, experience, family, It Interested and qualified. Apply w. E.

Ireland, GeorKla Training School for Boys, Box 348, Georgia, Plumbing Supply Salesman INSIDE Rules work. Must be fs-mlllar with bldg. supplies and some knowledge of plumbing. Kxcelent opportunity for sdvance-ment. Apply between 9:30 a-ra.

and 12, or by appointment Stein Steel Supply Co. Main Ofc, 301 Decatur SB METAL FINISHER WANTED Hteh-rlnss bndv and fpnriep metal finisher, with at least in vfr' exnnienre. Must he norpr. drnendable and ahle to fumish re(- ernrps. f.fwui worklnp ronninrtns.

vacation wfth pav and insurance henrfita. Con I art Mr. Tniier or Mr. Davis at Capital Automobile Com-panv Shop 7H4 Spring NW, Telephone, EMcrson 1661. DRAFTSMEN EXPKRIKNrFD at archltertural or merhaniral detnlilnir to work with chief draftsman tn preparation of shop draw-in for fartory mMufnrturinB tndu-trial sir hanatlnz equipment.

AIR REFRIGERATION CORP. WA-9207. BOOKKEEPER Ass't Office Manager FULL knowledge of all phases In office routine, trial halanee, taxes. Exceptional opportunity with large manufacturer. Send complete resume and salary requirements to L.

NAGER, PO. Box 151. Winder, Ga. CARPENTER- CONTRACTOR TO WORK with well-known cn. tn hirfdlno- for home alteration lobs.

Ton salary plus profit sharing. Give exnonenee and ttaoKgrounu. J. T. 111.

joumal-Constji ullon. FINANCE CO. NEED5 ADJUSTOR 28-35 YEARS of aee. Prefer stable married man. Must have auto.

Salary and car allowtoee. No experlente necessary. Apply In person only. Mr. Irwin.

Peachtree St. NE. Order Dept. Assistant OK 1K-27. miirtt tyrw min.

ISO wpm. I'rrvtoua clerical experience: and ex- cellent rr-ferencrs necessarv down-tfwn IfK'atton. 5-dav week. For appt call LA. 73M EaCE1.LF.IVT oDPortunitiei in Enai- netMlnu Dept.

fur cost, estimainr. tool designer, draftsman or entd-npHri. Kiinwledire of toola and dies and machinery helpful. Application snfniin incuiiie BKe. ramny siaius, education and exptnenca.

Perrnanerit wiii'k in nouih Ccorula. R. 77S. Journal-ronstitutlftn. LETTER PRESSMAN WANTED pressman for (slant.

Hetdleliurg or Kluge; on who underslaiuls production. Herma nnt. gcHtd aalary. 2 week vacation with Tay. Call or write Lester Lets.

Kennhkell Prlnttni? 1U W. forlt Savannah, Oa. EN Two near. nmhlfTnua anHI rC tctliirent to tervii regular customers. No peoxiiinK, some talei.

Expenenca not nere-nary, Tar needed. I will vuu at week plu comm. vera re earnint'd no, ier.s man per woek After 4 wteni ti'HinitiH-Applv Ulrd. 74fi Lee SW Si r. Yoiiiip rririn im tn- iuranc b-ickprounn i'ttrerrrd.

tTniifS for field wm-k wiCt nattonaliv known stork comnan? trroup Oiir know of a-1 Hepiv, mine exDeriencr' education and tor R. 4H. Journal-O'nsUi'uUon NIGHT WORK MAV, "er 4 years oid. mar ned. iettlpd.

mr. Mut me-t-hdinlcallv irn-ltnni. caialile of mam-tainma bMhnf inrhv. ard cleaning operation. Year-rrni'vd Inh.

Wnl start with BTOt--fl and futtir. Conta'-t Carl Dome v. Plant up r.t 4 frilt Chance of a Lifetime FOR Installation and matntenanea mechinic. Simplex Time Reorder rtt rim -iteiTit. rerfMer.

autnmfhc hulnest machine and cnntrri. rrouire erv. lcea -if vrMmf mi tn learn nur Hinine Tall Mr. Pennlnir. VIE l-fc-'A PERMANENT SPORT Weor Monufacturer I.fTATK" tn Hnnta.

war's tnn- i-itrh -ipi mailer tw tn'Ter h-mmv to 14. m. ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMEN NEEDED Immeilatelv Two veort nr com-mourte with nKl'ltv Call C'rrr Ar-hitect manVTOTmienfSntli.e im iifciA JiJm aitiiatwi laaL aaiaiatjai Wgnted Mal 'on vn your noma. nlshta ana innt idtvldUAl Ana uijKineaaeB. r.eaauo- aijle ra te.

WE, tan, -smj. "Tax REYCkNl Siatt and Frdnral. Rc.Knabln fan. For appointment to suit you. 9

to 9 caij ATwood 3164. 80S VOLIINTEtR CT. SSt ECATU TXR ETD RFAS. ratM-iajnod Oj. FV.

42SQ, bkpi nu tax serv. 15 Walop Blnf. CJI416J SNCOMfi TA5( pranareoTT)' rftlrrd I.S. tax aiientd. Kinaorieol faaa.

buslneaa. biokkeaoing aarviea. Toilar llillin. ORpsrr-nt fil'2 Slenheiu. PODlar 7-5514.

batween WainwIlla-rorpaS Pork Tn fhr home or sli un ana delivery, (lav or night, PL. 3-W. fAV Ji'fiTURSS Fnrmnrlv asent Jarlt prltchptt. dav. AL tuti: form Sir-O; short form Stat In- rludfil.

AT. 0W)3 nUMT.f.P fT AREA Im-orna tax ra. turnt pr-pared. tccurate. rea aliln.

47J31H. INCfjnfE TAX returni prsrr1 vour hoira. W. B. Aih.

LiEartwra iWcbUt TXX rtturnt Drapan-iT. our homt. olghta. wacktnda. Dixit TAX rniumt prepared In vour noma.

anv ttmt. Hallay pLXKO. returrn. Yourlioma. Stewart, CRent HE1.

iNCOMf! TAX enl- In your homt. dy, PQJLtjOT, Dreis Mofcinf Toilorfnej 16 MSEMAfCfS'rt and Reaaooame tor appointment call Slipcovers, Drepei Curtains 18 SUP COVERS est ta yocx home Court arari. Sort and 2 chain, tit (labor eoatt. Flee ameeOoo fabrics, DnperMe sude a) yosr order SI Dr. (or.

mud): SI. SO nr. Illsed). iCxeH aaTtest. fabric Shop, 141 Ala.

SC. aw. ct. gegfl. hRAPERIES II per nanel labor (lined or unllnedi.

Krea estimates. Consultant hrlnea aamnles and meas ures. We InatalL Kalirlcs: 9b to 'ix yd. Home Drape rv Shop. AL.

44't5, AL. 6753. fiRXPERlES and slFpcoyers esperfly made al treat savlnl from our beautiful selection of fabrics. Mfl-L K.ND STORE. 106 Hunter SL, 8W.

I.A. T221. SLIP COVERS, dranerles cornice unholstcrv. BeniiMful selection of rnateriaL Mrs, Fvana. ME.

4-nTJ7. 12 MONTHS TrTpAV PRAPE8. cornloes, tllpcoyers. upnol- terlni. Mr.

Ritchie, VE. 413H- rpfliTIERTNfi. drnptrv. cornice, slipcovers, fine fabrics. Mr.

Davis. AT. 20M TiRaPERTES. comlres, slipcovers. The Interior Shop.

Mrs. 0111. PLaxa DRAPFS, cor bosrdt tr slip Smith, DE. SPSS. Best ref.

sTIFrTiSTKa'de'Tn" your horne. Mrs. Fuller. CH. 2M, DB.

jWT. Sl.iP CnvRjtTpleces ITS; drapes, 11 mrnlivi CVnreaa filfiH. stTPCOVER. if" pieces. "115.

Mrs." Fi.trln vm BUSINESSDiRECTORV-Buildina General Repairs PHONE CY. 8595 ROOMS ADDED LOWEST PRICES IN CITT BANK REFERENCES Kitchens and Bathrooms Modernized Painting Wallpaper Plastering Paneling Underpinlng Attic Work Roofing Siding Plumbing Garages Driveways Floors Tiled Rooms Added Floors Sanded FREE ESTIMATES Workmen and Material Insur.d AAPEX CONTR. LAND Nltet EM. 6366 Holldoys Free" WARRANTY BOND Guarantees My Work COMPLETE ROOM $750 Get My Free Estimate On All Types of Remodeling I Need Winter Work to Keep My Men Busy NO DOWN PAYMENTS REQUIRED 1ST PAYMENT MAY CALL ME DAY OR NIGHT ABBOTT ELgin 6741 YOU MUST 'TRY LEE AND SEE" To Save Money On Repairs, Remodeling, Rooms, Roofing, Siding ALL WORK GUARANTEED LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED Lee Home Improvement AL. 4585, Any Time REMODELING ADDITIONS-rREPAIRS Or ALL KINDS JOBS 100 GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES R0BBINS HOME IMP.


7718 ANY TIME Gulf Contracting Co. EXPERIENCED hlllMer. In all phases of iTOistrucilon work. We would he pleased to offer our services to you on anv tvne building. New onslruclion Additions Concrele Work -Prick-Ruck Work Psintlnglleattna Plumbing FOR courteous and pleasant deal.

Ings with someone who Is anxious to serve vou please call Mr. Wood. WA. St'S dav; night. ME.


8-4 f04 KO TOvW" PAYMENT I TO 15 YEARS to PAY FREE ESTIMATES Pa pert ns P.urpWn Underpinning Enclod Porches C-ncrete Work Bradbury Roofing Siding Co. Ave. PL. MfU Hiehts VE I06 PL. 5-3093 HOME IMPROVEMENT" ALL TYPE renilrr.

oorchet bjl Concrete Psintine nis Fl-ior sanding Small mo. pay GLX.ATT c*ntRACnNO CO PL. 3 fif-0 PtSETtAKTR" ToT strut tion'To ATI Smds of renairs. i'airt'ns Rfmodel-tnr New oon ll.ia'wnteed. Free ea-lmsVii -tiMiiit r'K rT-'Pi'N i "fiw isvi iTsfll reraiira, hr and flneK mr anil genera! reoalis FTee estimated.

IV- ers-eTi ryiO ST-FTlAlTTr" in ftT-atet. txT! wsut. uiderpinnlng, d'waya rsriTj. ItnraS. lies aM.

Rvrice. PL tylf, fl to ACCOUNTING CLERK FOR HOME OFFICE of new manufacturing plant, located tn Chamhlee. Aee to 35. Duties include general office procedure. Prefer someone experienced tn several phases of accounting: work.

4t)-hr. week. Good salary with advancement opportunities. Send complete resume to Person-nel Manager. H.

W. Lav ah 4520 Peachtree Industrial Chamblet. Ga. YOUNG LADY, 22-30, to operate Model 1250 Multilith machine. Some experience on machine or interest In learning it.

If married must have no small children. High school graduation not required. 5-day week. Good working conditions. Apply: 90 FAIRLIE NW (Back of Old Post Office) STENO-DICTAPHONE OPERATOR HOME office of large company.

Some experience desirable, good working conditions and opportunity for advancement. 5 day week. Apply 90 FAIRLIE NW YOUNG ladies to handle important clerical work in connection with billing customers. Must be high school graduate, some college preferred. Congenial surroundings.

Opportunity for promotion. 5 -day week. Apply: 4th Floor, Healey Bldg. EURSE Position open for expert-enced registered ntirsa iwhilel nref. erahlv with psychiatric nursing hack- Kiuuna ana aaminisirauve anility tor position as assistant superintendent Of short term, sixleen-hed nrlvat alcoholic hospital Pleasant working conditions, salary above standard, air-conditioned quarters and full maintenance furnished, Applicants must he fully qualified and preferably unattached.

Traveling exnenses ior uuerview to iiKeiy prospects. Write Wilrnlth Hospital. Box 244. Route 10. Charlotte, N.C..

giving brief resume of experience and references, or phone collect, EDlson 2-5412. Charlotte for interview appointment, ATTRACTIVE POSITION For an intelligent woman with pleasing personality and good appearance. Prefer one with experience in teaching, club or church work. Must be ready to accept position IMMEDIATELY If selected with a Marshall Field family owned Enterprise. Opportunity for a definite plan of advancement.

Insurance program and a retirement plan based, on Profit Sharing. For local Interview write Immediately to M. L. Orr. Station Bog 7223.

Atlanta, Georgia. Sears, Roebuck Co. 895 Gordon SW WE NEED credit Interviewers anl NCR bookkeeping machine operators. Aee 72-3H preferred, with some credit experience. For a Job with a convenient parking space for vour car.

pleasant working conditions and many emplnve benefits, annlv at Personnel office. 2nd floor, store hours. STENO-CLERK START April 2nd. J-day week. Moat desirable working conditions, benefits.

Small air-cond. office. 5 blocks from Rich's. Age 21-35. Experienced in shorthand, typing and general office routines.

Good references required. Mr. Pope. MU. 8-1400.

Raley 16 Peters SW. "BECl NNERS-WANTED" WE WILL teach you to operate a tabulator machine, IRM proof machine or how to count monev. if you are a high school graduate, alert, have good health and not over 25 years of age. 5-day. 40-hour week.

Have a cafeteria in hank: and various employe benefits. Apply Personnel Dept. Federal Reserve Bank, 104 Marietta NW, CiXlE-MATD. Meat experience. To live in Miami Beach home.

Must he good with children. Age 4 and 7. S90 a month wlih extra bonus end of vear. Send small picture, age and recent reference, address and phone number Transportation will he paid for Write Mrs. S.

Kav. 4400 Plnetree Drive. Miami Beach. Fla. NCRBookkeeping Machine vADTw In leamlnf Ni bookkeeping machine.

Must have thOrOUffh RnOWl. Of cedure. Limited erperlence an asset Typing neresaary. 5-day week. Apnly Appiegate, 103 P'tree NE.

STENOGRAPH ERS INTERMEDIATE and senior. Pleasant working and liuln Siate Merit System. Vacation anti sick leave Stale retirement or tocial "fcurity If qualified and Interested give full particulars In writing. Apply i. reJriJ.

Oeoreia Tralnlne School for Kova. Rnv Cio saoiAr, vllle, Qeorgia. ACCOUNTING CLERKS fO. Ptrtt Depot, located In East Point, hat openings for Accounting Clerks with Comptometer sblllty. Age 20 to 32.

5-day week. Unusual emnloye benefits. Fltcellent on-portuntfv for persons with Initiative and desire to leum. For appointment rail Comptroller. Ro, 7-1381.

fcxL 24. Mon. through J1 ExperiencedTypist EAST and accurate tvplst. and with of ceneral offica. wo'k P-hour dav.

5 dav Alr-condltloned office. Free hosn and citmip ins paid vacations md lw cation. Plea- write to Mr T4. Smith. Room oR Peachtree P'de siiiilng Qualifications educa- and age.

C-IRl, is vrars or over" Tn graSd health, high school gradurte or equivalent for comhlnalion comi fometer operator and tvping po.i- In local office nt nnHonnllaf kn'rtvn manufacturer of telephona) central offi, eou'pmerl. For addi tional Information and appointment Mr. Blair. VE. 47CT.

SD m. ta urn PFAco*ck ALLEY RESTAURANT, INC. OPFVTVS for tvrjit rifnml l' wr.rk hostess. andl wrt're(i Mimt be evrwriencd 'n "irk are to w. Anr'V Pra -brpe rVwd V-V.

PHfVvff DpFR murt have hlrt srh'trj fMi Falary fnr abMy. pftrnry neroneility Some stn nr-nrthv and bnokeentnar ti P4iei. Aifdrew ir. handwritmif ediicn'in nr memtjeT" At'na, Ga. SECRETARY WTTR rtrevi'ua evnerleic.

S-dae wlr. hencf'tl. Sfl depend-nt uthMI a' LA 1571 for am. ANDEPSON, CLAYTON CO. 44 ert-irie -et yvf nUM aPT "xoei e-red Jlrward Thoson RnatrLvart.

Hwy. 41 Expreeawa 1 aVHim at r-rra nam, asaatti avt AuiBta, L.a. Ipiant fnwnavt ne cr-vrTunity 'j ltS, rat aaa1o altay ttBiaayatjna a a a ij 'i jStJp,.

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.