The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California (2024)

IffiAL ADVERTIsem*nT tr.Ai nvf BTIsem*nT LEGAL ADVERTIsem*nT UgAl ADVERTIsem*nT (' Oct. 8, 1979 Ml P.AR FG f'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS an-n tn Parrel 4 Farrell, Attorney 5th at 2 P.M. for (wins City of San Four iw A7ne.tlonVth NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. FBN 324SS LEGAL ADVEBTIsem*nT Ftrrel Parrel, Attorneys l'arriinohiiand of Total amount due on ald bond On. Approve tranjfer of ownership of In order to avoid thl safa, Mvmn Suburbar7DIP Co from P.

Parchman of the total amountaboye named win rr JTj.iL!;.. diu nio Svs man red. tooether with the cost of irs-ai iKuraTicriituT aS, Jordan, ertm. Vi mmm Attorney NOTICE TO Ct WTOM In management, salesmanship, tan relations, self confidence and leadership training NOTICB OP HEARING OP PfTITION (PROBATE) Cave No. SPR-44J79 SUPERIOR COURT OP CALIFOR- NOTICE OP HFARINO to S.

Gualardo'end Chang, nam. to additional Interest accruing up to th. wr Aa UOO VI I A COUNTY OF SAN CO'' ncojADniun 11.1 MArlh ArrAiwhAArf use me. am-'w Lucerne viv Adopt resolution approving agree- menl with CHP for Abandoned Vehicle SUPERIOR COURT OFCALIfOR- lament Program tor 197980. Call ColiKt For fr trociwrt.

Phon (2 'f300 I A COUNTY or rj Schedule date MONDAY, UL1U- BERNARDINO, 351 North Arrowhead BER at 2 M. for hearing to (a) It incurred, cost tn ooieinniw LT' abstract of title or till, search; Avenue San b) reinstatement of bond by Bernardino, California -4yi. payment of amount due, Interest, Estate of: necrrM penalties, and costs In th. manner VIOLA M. DEEGecjW4(Kj "T'rtS een'fof sola, such sal.

will 1. NOTICE fs hereby fllv.ii that: ,1. i. in lha am odeau rha fnr IIS Forest Avenue Court confirm servl urulra The following parson Is doing business as: NOrthbrooke Propwtles, 118 Airport Drive, Suit. 208, San Bernardino, CA 92408.

David W. Qulnn. 140 Carmodv Redlands, CA 92373. This business Is conducted bv: Individual Signed: David W. Qulnn This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Bernardino on: Sept.

27, 1979. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing Is a correct copy of the original on file In mv office. V. DENNIS WARDLE County Clerk By sLawanda Bradwav, Deputy Expires Dec. 31, 1984.

108-15-22-29 F1361 i Permltteas of CSA S3-B2, No. Bernardino, California 9201, Shore Big Boar Lake, atwer system aareament with above total amount due accruing up has filed a petition for Probata of will Approve, amended agreement wim opove lotoi ornwinH and for letters testamentary, refer- -Daths PILL, a. JOSEPH PILL, JR I. NOTICE I hereby olvtn thai; Wa-Con consi ei ai ror iinai vnr i 7JI In con- In Sect on Ot m. streets ana ence id wrui-n innvi mu iui P-n2li HioivY Pevrrwnt must be further culars.

JUlia I. urq hM nlM a oe tlon' tor Probat. of wlH mide in cash or cashier's cheel only. j. hearing on ine pjiiiion se.

102679 8:30 A.M. In I. lonaiMi as for Prldav at CLASSIFIED and tor letters testamenlary, refer- Approve purchas. of 2 ton chassis the newspaper In which this nolle Dept. 3, In the Superior Court of th.

hn ha Diibllshed. ADVERTISING ance to wnicn is nereoy nm smt of tor iv-m, furthw particulars. Wonder Vly Fir. Dlst. 2.

A hearing on me petition Is set Accto) complete const sewer for Friday, 1024W at A.M. In for Crestline San Dist Dept. In the Superior Court of th. raled action. State of California, In and for th.

apptov. purchase of 2 ton chassis County of San Bernardino, 351 North sm, for CSA 3, Plnon CCRIN IT Or SAN BERNARDINO. M. DUTTgN NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN loth, creditor Of the ebov. named dece-eW that all pervm 'vlna claim Jgalnil frs.ld in fit them, with the necessary Enicher Inth offlc.

of the clerk of toovi entitled court, or to orp the undersigned SVn IsVnardlno, CA whkhlj km etac of business of the under-nn loth. estate of Mid decedent, within four mlmths eft" the first publication of Madonna J. Lane Executor of th. Will of the above named decedent. JORDAN, ORE SHAM, VARNfcR, SAVAGE ft NOLAN 3M W.

4111 Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 (714)884-2171 Attorney, for Executor Flrl Publication: October Date: Oct. 1 IW. JOE BELL Treasurer-Tax Collector County of San Bernardino, Calif. Bv Martorte Anderson, Deputy Treasurer of th. County of San Bwnardlno FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO.

FBN 32354 RATES (MWmum 1 In) Arrowneao nvra vyu Hills area iimrnuii raclasslf of Position 03792 San Bernardino, California 2 401. GMber Dunmever, 71, native nois, 45-year resident San Bernardino. Graveside services Wednesday Ml View Cemetery. Grove Colonial Chapel tcn Bernardino Calif 7 Oct. 4, 1979, Elsie Irene Myers, 59, native Michigan, Resident, San Bernardino.

Services 2 P.m. Tuesday, Em-mersonBartlett Loma Linda Chapel. Interment Monteclto Memorial Park Bartlelt Loma Linda Chapel in charge. aaaaAaBABaAaaASaBBAaaaAaaaaAAi 127-Cemet8ry Lots Pioneer Mem. Cemetery mnire Lots Available 43.60 $1139 $17.10 1 DAY 7 DAYS 10 DAYS Dated: uciooar it'.

V. DENNIS WAROLE, ClerU By Mary Helen Mills, Deputy FARRELL FARRELL 323 West Court Suit. 411 San Bernardino, CA 0I 5 5074 from Museum Recorder to Museum CUApprov. of Position 09271 from Med Records Tech to Tumor Ordinance 2381 placing Desert Air Pollution Control Dlst Officer in Unclassified servie. Designate Samaritan Park as official name tor burial place of Indigents.

Consider termination of oddeven gasoline plan; indicate to Governor nu tll lArmlruila amaraencv 'SPECIAL-'-' Kahn, Stem, Blaney A Kmrat. Attorneys NOTICE OP SALS OP REAL PROfERTY AT PRIVATE SALE No. 25084 TOFTY RATES On Items Far Sat. Arring In das "AaA.ThrfftV Ads" Stat, of California, In and for th. County of Son Bernardino, 351 North Arrowhead Avanu.

Court Housa, San Bernardino, California 92401. 3. Dated: October 4, 1979. V. DENNIS WARDLE, Clerk By Mary Helen Mills, Deputy FARRELL FARRELL 323 West Court Street Suit.

411 San Bernardino, CA 92401 MS 504 -W-, 100-9-16 F1493 Alan E. Spears, Attorney CITATION-FREEDOM PROM PARENTAL CUSTODY AND CONTROL (ABANDONMENT RE: ADOPTION Case No, FFC-atf SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFOR-N I A COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO. In the Matter of CHRISTY DENYELL BARLETT a Minor A Person who shall be declared free from th. custody and control of her parents. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.

To KEITH A. BARTLETT and to all persons claiming to be the father or mother of said minor person above named. Bv order of this Court vou are hereby cited and advised that you may appear before the Judge Presid- Each Item $500.00 A Under ENDOWMENT CARE 211 E. 9th St. 885-4385 TWO adiacent cemetrv plots, choice Montecito Park.

8M-rin, 82-5342 Kenrwth H. Glube, Attorney SUMMONS Case MO 2M72 Th. following persons are doing business as: Montclair Center 9453-85 Central Avenue. Montclair, CA 91743. Sam M.

Watson, 2024 Lemnos Costa Mesa, CA 92424. Rod S. Chamberlain, 2945 Mavl, Costa Mesa, CA 92424. This business is conducted bv: A Limited Partnership Signed: Sam M. Watson.

This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Bernardino on: Sept. 20, 1979. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the original on file in mv office. V. DENNIS WARDLE County Clerk Bv sLawanda Bradway, Deputy Expires Dec.

31, 1984. 101-8-15-22 F1345 Ptillp B. Wagner, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION (PROBATE) Case No. SPR 48373 condltlonwf upon sam. action by Los the Superior Court of th.

Stat. Angeles County. of California, for th. County Indicat. support for Proposition 4, of Monterey.

th. Gann Inltiatlv. In the Matter of th. Estat. of Present Service Pint and Suggestion Floyd Llewellyn Rosier Awards to employees.

Superior Court of the Slat, of 140-Car Pools Parrel Parrafc Ahemeys NOTKB TO CRFOITORJ No. UVi SUPERIOR COURT OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO. Estat of: Sister Mary Evangelist. TZT Rlv- Reter 10 Loumy v.ounji nonce nwoor Umr tw-U -2M i 0.1 and recommendation on MONDAY, 0dersigrd will sell at Private sale, jrside lndlo Branch. 44-209 Oaslt gJ-oT0BER 9 A.M.

th. claims t0 highest end best bidder, subteci "TuirJia ucrtFB ind led by Boise Lascaoe ano mi to contirmarion or soio ouw iur vuu. i FANDRO VELASQUEZ Vly East r. refund of xci proceeds on or after the 19th day of Octobjr ALEJANDKO after tax sale. 1979 at th.

otf ee Of KAHN, STERN, uiba ACCiSTA VELASQUeI? CondJct hearing and authorize lANEY KITTRELL, 5959 W. ELVIRA ACOSTA VfeLASUuet ym.ginnrrMi ni Ine Palms,,ru Rmilavard. Los Anoees, Cali- Armstrong, ana 3 Lines PAID IN ADVANCE -Price of each Hem must appear In ad; Private Party Ad Only Garage Sale AND Lost Ads 53t Par Line, Per Day Found Ads AND Car Pool Ads Free 3 tines 3 day Enon. Chrlstln. Armstrong u-nrei h.w.

ham lued he Outer Hwy, south of Yucca Valley. fornia 90045 County of Los Angeles, Conduct hearing and adopt Com- state of California, all the right, I tl. ueimuKi. r.v wiCi. iuLin.i viui without Conduct nearing ano aaum wm- btai.

or Loiirornia, an rnrn, mav decide against you wHnout NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the court Gran( pBr. erwf Qf Md he title rrerlllors of the above named deca and all the right, within ju aavs. neeo in. kriwnAV OCTOBER 8th at 9 A M. interest that th.

of said thai lha estate of said STkai i i.i iirin damandado further consideration re Clluen Parllc- deceased has acquired by operation of Jly MrrtM Ipation Committees. law or otherwise other than or In dn.2 MJd re- ADJOURN TO 2 P.M. addition to that of said deceased, at sin audlencla a menos que I. re Xornvil dent that all persons having claims against the said decedent are required to file them, with the necessary vouchers. In th.

ottlc. of the clerk of the above entitled court, or to present them, with the necessary vouchers, to the undersigned at th. law offices of J. Am vt Lea la Approve reouesi inai uw rw nme or oeotn, in ana iv lng ueparimem worm sponda dentro de JO am. tee -cceD.

responsibility for mrtain real, orooertv situated In the Arrowhead Avenue. San Bernardino, reauest that Apple Vly Fire time of death. In and to all the Irrtprmacion oue sigue puh(. Mtety and fir. sup- city of Twentynlne Palms County of CA 92415 of the above entitled court s.

an rtrsi hM Tiled bv lha plain- presslon aciivnie ai vit san oernoromo, aioio ui uronw on inursoay, oci. ai Farr.ll 8. Farrell, 411 First American FREE CAR POOL ADS To help our community conswv. energy, as a public sarvlce, the Sun will publish car pool ads FREE of charge (3 Unas for 3 days). CALL 8S8-3252 142-Travol Opportunities FREE USE OF CAR U-DRIVE Tx.

-No. So. N.J., Canada AUT6 DRIVEAWAY CO. 234 W. 5th, 5.

Bdno 888-4841 US-Lost REWARD FOR ANY INFORMATION LEADING TO OUR MISSING BEAGLE PUPPY, APPROX 8 WEEKS OLD, TRICOLOR (Rl AfK. BROWN A WHITE). Title Building, jj wesi iouri irj, 5SMK port. particularly oescnoea as iuiiuws, w- San Bernardino, California 92401, tiff this lawsuit. Conduct hearing and call election on wit.

o'clock A.M. of that day, then and there to show cause, It any you have, why said person should not be declared free from the control of her which is the Place ot ousinesa oi tnlt behalf ot properly owners umm- Adloining iois oescricwo as ronows: undersigned In all matter, pertaining vu r- r. wl)n tion with a water svsiem xor 1ST i qt to the etel. of said decadwit, within jummons Is wd 7n re- Ploneertown and imposing servic. PARCEL ONE parents according to th.

petition of file mmitha mttmr tha llrf aiinitTJBIIOn VVui i ww That nrsrt inn At nf ftl in nniT DT ins kain months after the first publication four herein. with the court a Conduct continued hearing and ap- soUth half of the Northwest quarter of Given under my hand and seal of Court, you must Hie wnn ine couri CSA 70. mo cn. oi wtinn 30. n( nlwllna nr rila an Oral prove wrai v.

ouunios, hubuoi Ins oumoi lur I ine v-wumT wi DEADLINES WEEKDAYS RArnarHinn MaIa cjk allfnrnla. ri.LJ MiaVad lii irie docket) Zone CH, Chino, ana aeteie cermm Township 1 Norm Kange vtasi, sn San Cm SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFOR-N I A COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, 351 N. Arrowhead San Bernardino, CA 92415. Estate of: ALBERTA McGLOTHLEN, aka ALBERTA G. McGLOTHLEN, aka ALBERTA S.

McGLOTHLEN, 1. NOTICE Is hereby given that: B. GENE BRISTOLL has filed a petition for Probate of holographic will and for letters of administration with will annexed, reference to which is hereby made for further particulars. 2. A hearing on the petition Is set for 10-24-79 at 8:30 In Dept.

3, Superior Court, County of San Bernardino, 351 N. Arrowhead San Bernardino, CA 92415. 3. Dated: Oct. 2, 1979.

V. DENNIS WARDLE, Clerk By Marlon Eilander, Deputy PHILIP B. WAGNER A Law Corporation 141 N. Arrowhead Suite 4 San Bernardino, CA 92408 (714) 889-0438 108-9-14 F1484 Albert Vlerl, Attorney Sedacca Story, Attorneys properties from the Study for which BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, accord- sept. 1979.

charge If made. ing lo Official Plot ofsaid land (SEAL SUPERIOR COURT inriiriaia int'nt to adopt ordinance bv Surveyor General on cam RPBwAonirjn rniiNTVi 440 PM. FOR NEXT DAY DENNIS WARDLE Unless vou do so, vour default will b. ntered upon application of the plaintiff, and this court may enter a judgment against you for th. relief demanded In the complaint, which could result In garnishment of wages, taking of money or property or other of this notice.

Dated September 19, 1979. William E. Farrell Administrator CTA of the Will of the above named decedent. FARRELL FARRELL Aitornavs at Law 4U First American Till. Bldg.

,323 West Court Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 085 5074 Attorneys for Administrator CTA First Publication: Sept. 24, 1979 1204 MONDAY, utiuBCR om aiT n.rn. January to, las, tying vtesi ur a n. Imposing service charge In ami of SI35 that is 1045 feel West of the East line for design of water system, CSA 70, 0t the West half of th. Southeast Imp Zone Phelan.

quarter of said Swtlon. WEEKENDS COMMERCIAL ADS 3K FrL for Sat. Fri. for Sua Man. PRIVATE PARTY ADS County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Bernardino By Hazel I.

Welch Conduct hearing ana approve iuho pAKCfcL iwu: relief requested in ine compwm, 4:00 FrL for Sun. A Mon. b. If you wisn i to see ine aovia D'-inrf SW corner Pan- the Southwest Quarter of th. Aiinrnav In this matter, vou orama ur ano nuifop, mi boumeasr quariwr ui Lieputy do so promptly so that your written Conduct hearing ano approv- iu Township Norm, Konge cosi, lan E.

speaks mm B-i in A-P: H. Holier ncDMABniND MERIDIAN, accord' Attorney at Law OffK. uoseo sat. sun. CALL 888-3252 MISSING SINCE THURSDAY SEPT.


255 North Suite 411 San Bernardino, CA 92401 (714) 888-4801 917-24, 101-8 response, any, may oe nieo on mn, Dated Aug. 31. 1979. Bv: 0. Andrews Deputy KENNETH H.

GLUBE 99 Street, Suit. 10 Upland, CA 91784 (I4) 981-1011 Attorney for Plaintiffs 917-24, 101-8 F1113 applicant; 29 Palms Hwy, Yucca jng to Official Plat of said land Valley. approved by Surveyor General on Conduct hearing and approve ion. January 10, 1857. lying West of a ne change from R-1-20T to Rl; C.

that is 1045 feet West of the East line Pecararo, applicant, Outlook Lane, of the West half ot the Southeast Big Bear Lake. quarter of said Swtion. Conduct hearing and approve lone SAVING AND EXCEPTING th. change from A-l-J-T to B. South 200 feet thereof Mavers, applicant; Apc4e Valley area.

ALSO SAVING AND EXCEPTING Conduct hearing and approve zone that portion thereof lying within the change from R-1 to A-l-5; J. Dupre. Norm 200 feet of the South 400 feet applicant; north of Carbon Canyon Rd, of the West 450 teat of the East 1120 west of Peyton, Chino Hills. feet of the North hart of the Southwest Alan K. Marks County Ceumal Richard Wm Stran.


418 81S Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles. In the Matter of the Estate of PAULINE E. BORGIA Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned wilt sell at private sale, on FAIR STATEMENT OP PROCEEDINGS BEFORE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1979 Supervisors Present. Conduct nearing ano approve ion quarter ot ine souinaasi quanor ur SnT MM FWdlSgpSlkfaft'sj "If RVING to the Grantor, here- SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFOR- joshua Rd, Apple Valley; withhold their heirs and assigns an easem*nt NIA, COUNTY OF SAN enabling ordinance. for road way for ingress and egress BERNARDINO, 351 North Arrowhead 92415.

BABY BEAGLE MISSING! REWARD Our darling baby girl Beagle wandered out of our yard in north Rialto (near Encina 8. Acacia), Thurs. Sept. 27. She is approx.

8 wks. old tri-color (black, brown 8, white). She i taking MEDICATION 8, need the rest of her puppy shots, etc. We miss her very much. PLEASE 875-8187, 688-5347, 792-1821.

rirt hAArina and continue to nnhiir iiiiiltv purposes over. Avenue, San Bernardino, CA BLOOD DOLORS MONDAY, OCTOBER 8th at 2 P.M. across andor under the following wu AAA Drnn i i thai Cai ithAmJicI Schedule dale wjhuht, iy- nninors mm Vt PM. for hearing ion. cnanw ravuy.1 v.

-oescno-o In re the marriage or: CHARLES A. CHAMBERS Petitioner. and SHIRLEY MAE CHAMBERS Respondent. Persons wno snai oe oeciarep Tree 'Z iniinu- Inv. nc ror property touwu quarter or aetnon ju, from.

h. custody and control oT thrtr uor chan asows Jgnpar amS Swr8, Rang. 9 East, SAN DESPERATELY ItEEDED rl.Y.ll...., ne B-l aaI slrt Warren VlSta. SOUtn Ot ma i tt lha Aiih R-3, east side Warren Vista, south of ion. 20 feS ot th.

thp PFOPLE OF THE STATE OF K.arlng and approv. Tfli North NOTICE! You have been sued. The the ffmiTOTOT-S WAtHLCi' Southeast court may decide against vou without 10 Ltu junni omuin arm to an VJ ksiTaaa rtlr and Boara inniaieo ror iavaajiit soumwesi aumici THE Penal Code of California provides that one who finds a For patient having OPEN persons claiming to be the father or 1 "ri Mnmn CVvR En- da Hwy 18 between central ana guSrter. EXCEPTING the test iu your 'being ineoro Rwther of said minor persons above Menlone Blvd, Men oLWSI En App)ev Vy; amend T-Slan- thereof. within 30 days.

Read the information named terprlses, A-l to -1 -10 dBrd 2fa42 to add Pkj Dir review of (b) The West 20 feet of the East 1140 below. Aua nnrthwAt of nterSK With RendOh ITrC, a ronl iK tl nt IhA Mnrlh lAUICTll M.tAH ililn rtomiindjirio or oner irw latin oar ui at the office of ALBERT VIERI, 12444 Victory Boulevard, Suite 414, No. Hollywood, 91404. County of Los Angeles, State of California, to the highest and best bidder, and sublect to confirmation bv said Superior Court, all the right, title and interest of said deceased at the time of death and all the right, title and interest that the estate of said deceased has acquired by operation of law or otherwise, other than or in addition to that of said deceased, at the tim. of death.

In and to all the certain real property situate in the San Bernardino County, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wlt: PARCEL NO. 1: Lots 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, The South one-half of Lots and. and the lost article under circ*mstance which gives him means to inquiry as to the true owner and who appropriates such property tn hi own use without first hereby cited and advised thai you Ave, No. Rlalto; Bliss and Lajlln, uukowledB. reqUMl and refer to half of the Southwest quarter of the El' tribunal decidlr contra Ud.

may appear before the Judge Presld- R-l-5 to. (5000)R-3, N0 1v.c,?jrJ pig commission City Fontona pro- southeast quarter of said Section, sin audtencia a menos que Ud. re- Ing uepanrneni juv-i or ine suiwri- ivf oTcourt, fourt Building. 900 C-)-- making reasonable effort to find the owner is guilty of larceny. LOST: sm.

female co*cker mixed East Gl oert str-an. san twnaroino, entTiicourt' Vly Sws Km! for reionlng South Fontana SAVING AND EXCEPTING the South sponda dentro de 30 dias. Lea la Iween Mulberry and Redwood Ave- 220 feet thereof. informaclon que sigue. nues, south of 1-10.

(c) The North 20 feet of the South l. To the Respondent: Reaffirm 7577 finding thai public 420 teat of th. East 1120 feet of the a The petitioner has filed a petition service facilities Including sewage North half of the Southwes ouartet -of concerning your marriage. You may treatment plants and appurtenant fa- the Southeast quarter. SAVING AND file a written response within 30 days clHtles are a compatible land use In EXCEPTING the East 1045 feet there- of the data that thi summons is Agricultural area subi to staff review of.

served on you Inraiinn and devOD- DADrPI THRFE: b. VOU fall to file 8 written A of the arve on Rd, Chino Hi, October 24, 1979, at 8.30 o'clock AM. J9L 0peal of that day, then and thw. to show dog, 11. crown, pkick conor, KAnnaii K.

Palm. Owner heart broken. REWARD. 383-1531, nJZZ rTl fr Bdrre by Blls. and 887-9241, 883-7070.

trofrT the Control of their parents Laughlln for Trac 868, Westerly 14 feet of the Norm one-nan -II ,1 A An easemem tot rgoowar iw m- respuiiav wrim a-ii imre, REWARD Lost mole black Poodle Vt co*ckapoo. May be wearing brown collar. Vic. 9th recommended. Adop enabling ordinance 2382 for grass Vnd egress and public utility faSilmav be entered and th.

court goJ'sutSfivIs No 2, in the Apov. hd.M, Covington! Const. lone pufooses over, across andor under may enter a iucrrnt contain ng Company iv Given under mv hand end seal of the Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, siaia ot taurornia, change gramea mm -x ro the renewing aeswiowu ir ium.nvw Californa. as oer Map recorded in 8, Sterling. a-yu, asa-aiw.

omm-naaa. located on south side fcucaivptus ve, Southeast quarter ot jecnon ju. oivision ot properiv, wwiw iww 1, ook 20, Page 34 of Moos, in the soTto k.IS?McrtSA,i 'n-Kff' Iln ulnaA VWI tAT nranADIMUn REWARD, lost, white Whippet lux.n rii-Avhnund). has 1 brn. ear, neutered male.

823-3994 mA i-tt. 1. lone changes approved pursuant lo (a) The North 20 feet of the South relief as may be granted by the court, co4ther wItn portion of Haven Ratify action of Clerk In accepting izTrlnoi 420 feet of th. West 375 feet of the which could result in the garnishment 50 wt wide Staining Lot 44 hAiii laa hondt for Tracts within a Ti h.x lha 1.1, iaa nwi or nraoar- Avenue, reel wioe, aatoinmg uoi a eves. HEART suresry Oct.

17, 1979 at St. HospitaL 13 pints of blood are noodod. Persons interested in donating please contact Blood Bank, 399 Blood Bank. Road, San Bernardino, CA. C5-45C1 Donations to made in the name of Evangelina Alaniz PLEASE HELP! ii i TYPING DIY03CE FOaMS EVICTIONS BUCTIFTCY FI.L ESTATE FCtUS Letters, resume, etc Legal Paper Filed with Court 8, Served.

Typino While You Walt No Appointment Necessary Best Terms In Town ELLIE'S 572 N. Arrowhead 835-1725 ccpi a nli of the west, as vacateo. ana aoan; this Sept. 10, 1979. (SEAL SUPERIOR COURT SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY) V.

DENNIS WARDLE, County Clerk and Clem of the Superior Court tthe Slat, of California me County of San Bernardino By Haiel I. Welch, Deputy ALAN K. MARKS rmintv counsel LOST Springer Spaniel puppy. Brown 8, white male In Fontana ctelms for rund of XrrtTommsn; iSSSui Tow c. If vou wish to seek th.

advice of AATiimAnlArv Irstr tax as recom- wnn i 1 wt IhA Cxi Ia thl mAllar. vou shoud doned by Resolution of the Board of Supervisors, a certited copy of which was recorded May 1, 1925, in Book area vie. ot Mango rrow. mended; deny claim against County by Min'nicci 10 v.v..., feet of he South 540 feet of the North do so promptly so that vour written Answers to Tanoe. imm rmiMn os) lost a PETT dauIaa inr in iiAHAtfirmined amt; Appoint Leonora R.

Jimenez a half of the Southwest quarter ot the response, if any, may be tiled on time, member of Adult Detention Adv. Southeast quarter. SAVING AND EX- Dated: Sept .14, 1979. Call SPECIAL PAL HOT LINE. V.

DENNIS WARDLE RICHARD WM. STRONG 714-9z-l or u-3e-jvi pwuty County Counsel Committee. CEPTINli ine soum zy raw Appoint Oswaldo Marrulo to Adv. (c) The North 20 feet of the South Comm. on Drug Abuse; appoint so feet of the East 470 feet of the Mickey S.

McElwaln to Arhd Justice North half of the Southwest quarter of Dlinlnn CnmmillMt. CaiiIHakI Clerk By: Virginia St. Germain Deputy LOST: 91379. Lg. mal.

German Shepherd. Blk. gold. Vic. 40lh refer to County Counsel claims filed against County and Superior Court Summons CW13712.

Appoint persons nominated to Boards of Directors of self-governing dists in lieu ot election as mended by Registrar of Voter pursuant lo Election Coda. Authorli. of County wesi ritin atreei San Bernardino, CA 9241S (714) 383-261 W-24, 101-e (5EAL) 8, Mt. View. Reward.

B83-WJI. Appoint Earl Preston to Bd. of (j) The East 20 feet of the North CHARLES A. CHAMBERS Directors Ot sen-governimi vauwivm halt Of ine aoutnwcsi uuwiw iiw aid nm-fMuwr 150 REWARD. Springer Spaniel puppy, brown 4, white, 4 Community Svs Dist.

in lieu ot eiec- southeast quarter. SAVING anu b-tion, for a four year term. CEPTING the South 540 feat thereof. mate. oosco- boj-jtw.

NOTICi TO CONTRACTORS Audit Committee ano approve appointments of member as Highland, CA 714842-3775 Petitioner In Pro Per 924, 101-8-15 17 Page 29 of Deeds. Also together with the North one-half of Lemon Avenue adjoining Lots 38, 39 and 40 on the South, vacated and abandoned by the Board of Supervisors April 27. 1925, Per Minutes A-2, Page 44, In the office of the County Recorder of said County. Note: Said property is also shown on licensed Land Surveyor's Map recorded in Book 2 Page 48 Record Surveys Except from the above described property the North 15 feet of Lots 43, 44 and as conveyed to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, a public corporation, by Deed recorded October 31, 1949 in Book 7330 Page 100 Official Records. Also except therefrom that portion of Lots and 44 of the Foothill Frostless Fruit Company's Subdivision No.

2, according to Plat recorded in Book 20, Page 34 of Maps, Records Approve Memoranoum or unow- jnq mi anrilna between Barstow Pk and Rec PARCEL NO. 1: t8mS F1214 SSnd for Fedal Rav Sharing LOST: REWARD. Ring of key lost on 17th St. btwn. rnnvArtinn of position Arrowhead.

882-4747. Aporov. Xtttittl Aria Tech I from CETA Dist and SBPEA. The North 200 feet of he South 400 Authorize purchase of vehicles as feet of the West 450 feet of the East budgeted for Motor Fleet. 1120 feet of the North the Adopt resolutions honoring Alan southwest Vt of the Southeast 'A of McCombs and Pete VandePoel upon section 30, Township 2 North, Range 1 rtT; blond male mixed Ter rierco*cker Spaniel, Sept.

20th in Cotton. Kewaro. laii nn-mrj. NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY DELINQUENT FOR NON-PAYMENT OF BOND No. 195, Series No.

13 Issued far the Improvement of Big Bear Lake Sanitation District 144 Found REWARD their retirement from the Chino Unif. 9 Esst, SAN BERNARDINO MERI- School District Board of Trustees DIAN, in the County of San ADJOURN TO 9 A.M., TUESDAY, Bernardino. State of California, ac- OCTOBER 2nd cording to the official plat of said land Conduct Board Workshop consider- approved by the Surveyor General ing the final status report bv B001, January 10, 1857. Allen and Hamilton, Consultants re PARCEL NO. 2: County Medical Center.

The South 200 feet of the North i FREE ads FOR ANY INFORMATION of said LOuniy, logeiner wun inai DEFAULT having been made in the portion of Haven Avenue, 50 feet wide NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino, Slat, of California, will receive sealed proposals until October 24, 1979 10:00 A.M. In the office? of the San Bernardino County Transportation Department in Room 111 (Contracts Division) 825 East Third Street Sen Bernardino, CA 92415 at which time they will be publicly opened and declared said offices for construction on roads In accordance with the specifications therefor, to which special reference is made as ARROWHEAD LAKE ROAD from Ranchero Street to Rock Springs Road Protect No. 1303(1) LENGTH: 1.54 Ml. AREA: Hesperla ROAD NO. 13ftM0AC payment of the following named vacaieo participant to CETA administration Adopt resolution applying for SB821 Bicycle and Pedestrian funds and authorize claim to SANBAG for funds.

Accept Nevaio Rd protect, Apple Vly, as complete and take related Accept Chlno-Corona Rd prol. Chin, as complete and take related action. Award contract and approve agreement with low bidder, JEG Const Co for const Bellview Rd, San Antonio Hts; take related action. Approve agreement with CSA 79, Green Vly Lake for participation In adtl paving work in connection with sewer system Installation. Accept Barslow-Doggel Airport Impvml Proi as complete and take related action.

Approve agreement with ATStSF Rwv Co for trackage at Barstow- No runner ousiness atwninw, ma ot me souinwesi ui vmi find an article of value or coupons, Interest coupon for S48.83. which became due on January 2, 1979. a knl oet. as a public service, meet no is conctunea. JAMES L.

MAYFIELD Chairman Range 9 East, SAN BERNARDINd MERIDIAN, in the County of San the Sun will help locate the principal coupon tor siw.ju, wnicn owner by publishing a i-kec Board ot supervisors certified copy of which was recorded. May 1, 1925 in Book 17 Page 29 of Maps, official records, described as a whole as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot of said subdivision and running thence Easterly along the AD. (3 lines for 3 days, free). ceding piat'of 'said tand J'Z'ks ih Surveyor Genera Interest coupon for4l.85, wnicn approved by the Surveyor General CALL 838-3252 became due on July 2, 1979. And ihe holder of said bond having.

County of San Bernardino ATTEST: Andre. Dlsharoon Clerk of the Board 108 North line ot Lot a Distance 01 on the 15th day of March. 1979 dufy THE Penal Code of California provides that one who flndt a F1500 demanded Tin TwVitlng that ha County 21 78 feet to; the East Treasurer of Ihe County of San corner df Sect on 24, Township 1 470 feet thereof. PARCEL NO. 3: An easem*nt for Ingress and egress, and public utility purposes over, across, upon and under the North 40 feet of the Southeast V4 of the Southeast V.

of Section 30, Township 2 Mnrih Binot 9 East, SAN Daggett Airport; approve suppi-rnan- Bernard no proceed to advertise ano "orin, Kaniw uto.mi lha lot or oarcel of land mentioned Meridian; thence continuing. Eas erly Construction' consists, generally, of lost article under circ*mstances which gives him means to Inquiry as to the true owner and who appropriates such property tn hit own use without first tal agreernent with Co. and Ralteard crete over native soli, constructing in the said bond along ine norm tine or uoi a NOW THEREFORE, notice is here- distance of 47.00 feet to a point; ttwnce by given that I will, on the 15th day Southerly to a point on the South Jine. Adopt resolution prohibiting parking euro and gutter consirin-mw making reasonable effort to find the owner is guilty of larceny. c.OT;K, truck, on Clarn, Ave between BEBNARDINO MERIDIAN, in the corrugated steel pipe culvert and NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY DELINQUENT FOR NON-PAYMENT OF BONO No.

4, Series No. 341 Issued far the Imorovamant of Running Spring County Wafer District DEFAULT having been made In th. payment of the following named CouTtty 'San Bdino, Stat. of mbjr 1979 the hour m. 01 -oTi 2ucon tne' tot or Pa'rcel ot land thence Westerly, along the.Sou.h line approved by th.

Surveyor FOUND: Class ring. Vic. of Arden Date. of said land ion-din Mldu'bond 0 much of Lot 44, a distance of 70,00 feet to Identity. iati bo-jvm.

Adopt resolution accepting Traffic Comm recommendation of meeting of 81479 Approve' Flood Control Dlst permit at 7nnA 1 and 2. General January iu, tour. PABr.FL NO. 4: thereof a may be necessary, at th; the East line of Section 24; mence office of the County Treasurer, 172 continuing westerly J584 feet to said An Msem*nl for Ingress and egress, FOUND: Female Irish Setter, last week in So. Colton area.

FOKMS obtained from the San Bernardino County Transportation Department office and shell be prepared in accordance with the provision of the Standard Specifications Of the State of California, Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Transportation, dated January, ioTt aaa wu unacla orov slons. The and public uinny purwo vu State of California, unless the amount Westerly 48.16 taef Jto point on he 825-3481. thM 470np 7th.NoVth OTT j-JWja Approve agreement wim wmu mn touiAjn, Watermaster for use of Dlst facilities Interest coupon for $24 53, which through 43082 for spreading Im- became due on January 7, 19, Jlt. 7aa 1 PC Gist. Prlncloo coupon for $134.30, which bound 2 01101.

1 blk. fern. 1 ii of the Southwest V4 of th. Southeast Easterly from the Southeasl corner of speckled male. N.

Rialto area. IIUI IDSi W.IW ti If "TV" ft f-l 'A of Section towrrsnip iari that I will Lot 45; thence Northerly lo a point on Call or tree. 3-a3. btmiaiiv mala brindle Pit Bull. the Easterly prolongation of the North line of Lot "M-' of said subdivision, tAirl onlr.l hoino 4.78 feet Easterly bids' must also be accompanied by a KEC Certified or Cashier's Check, or d- Zone Owner Identify 8, claim.

Call 874-2575. Sur'veVor G.n?ral scribed, but it ler that the full Northeast corner of Lot Surveyor General unpai(1 Interest, "M' thence Easterly 45.22 feet to th. saw mssmm MM An easem*nt for IRISH SETTER. Loma Linda area. Owner call Identify.

and penalties on sold bond, together potni or ingress and egress, withal, com in me even. 41. 42 Vnd the North one-fialf 794-2439. and Public utility purposes lover. MZwuia of Lot Foothill Frostless Fruit will tter Into cemtraet within oavs, interest coupon for $14,34, which hi ACK A WHITE female.

Aus for servic. to bldg at 8649 Baseline 'K' iJ, across, upon and und iow, ma vtto -3 rnmrunv Suhd son No. 2. he not Including Sundays ano tw" Tau. X.

m-aiai with tacilitv. herama due on January 2, 1979. tralian Shepherd Mix with 1 blue as iaa Kinrm uHiioiiies, onu i. imnanicrsf onu wt wi teet ot the tasi iu i Ttjfjl ui iiiw oo. hniiriavs.

after being requesieo io ou rnnnnn tor $134.: Jaam A na rxairf-0j fyt latnH I OliniV Of Mn flT HOT UmV, a a IB in white eve. bo-3ij. ii A ttif ithwi.i 'A ot tne bouTrteasT i wun uwm jo.u am so by the County. hirto at 1524 became due on January 2, 1979. OV I' AAllATlAl The plans ano special ull uh Interest coupon for $12,27.

which i.ArA,t ct BLACK It CREAM male dog. Vic. 'may beobialnedby nterested partie became due on Julv 2, 199. i -jri" tt" ZZt iin and Hiohwavs Code. of Ihe county Kecoroer ot saio Loun- became due on July 2, 1979.

of Lucky's. eves. 8W-17V4 direct or Accepf 3.793 acres of. land from AnC I the inotoer ot 'o California, ac- The or parcel oftond rrtl-orrtd Accept 3.793 acre of land wrara c.a RiArnArdlAA County "7 Sander-Ward Inv Co gratis on (Irmanrv Real Park. Kdioih.aprra fr ot and WcfilJW "'trorneral P-rttculartdesc 4,.

advertise and January 10, 185.7. -v i. ISO-Births Transportation Department Contracts Division, Room 111 825 East Third Street aa IWnard no. CA 92415 Acceoi as compifjie pwv -y' acc.pi a.wmw ororrt to To Place A AKf7 EE" "ni. Co.

sei Vhi tot" of Parcel of land mentioned EXCEPT the South zoo feet mereot. "r'iTpaV' Wto" R'ecordrof Also except the North 15 feel of Lots LEADING TO OUN IVIIINU BEAGLE PUPPY, APPROX. WEEKS OLD, TRI-COLOR (BLACK, BROWN ft WHITE). MISSING SINCE THURSDAY SEPT. 27.


Free Pregnancy Testing (immediate results) ABORTION Local ft General Anesthesia BIRTH CONTROL TUBAL LIGATION surgery) VASECTOMY Low cost ft confidential Finest Family Planning Center Medi-Cal, Insurance, Visa ft Master Charge S. Bdno. Area 714-884-2736 Pomona ft San Gaberlal Valleys 714-624-1244 Se Hable Espanol DIY03CES TYPED $39.50 INCLUDES: a Summons, Petition, Statistical Form, Conf. Counseling Statement ft Fact Sheet. No wait, Be legal.

Appt. arty 824-34S0 RESPECTABLE White male exec. Young 57. 155 lbs. Blond, blue eves.

Healthy. Warm affectionate. Average looks. College grod. Non smoker.

Finan. secure. Own home. No dependents. Seeks attractive fern, counterpart any ape to 50.

Child ok. Companionship ftor marriage. (714) 792-7267 or 0 Box 4100, Long Beach, CA 90804. MARRY NOW LEGAL NO BLOOD TEST OR WAIT $19.50 Ind. kraal Mine, counseling ft fro literature.

Your homeour chapel Confidential church marrlae. Civ Code 4213. In area 30 yr. 882- 29 825-7274 13S9 Mt. Vernon, Cotton Auto Insurance Canceled? I insure anyone.

Drunk drivers, young drivers, over age drivers my specialty. Pav-as-you-can plan JAMES MCGUIRE 732 St 885-8219 I MAKE SR-22 FILINGS NEWI NO COURTI DIVORCE $75 SUMMARY (under 2 yrs.) $50. Plus filing fees. WE DO EVERYTHINGI NO UPS, NO EXTRAS ALL BY MAIL SERVING ALL OF SO. CALIF.

(714) 761-9196 FOR QUICK RESULTS USS CLASSIFIED ADS roiiows: Ariinn in said bond. my. for roadway Sa'n Bernardino County, 'California. 41, 42 and as conveyed to the Upon payment as tloon payment as Birth Announcement aiuI Soacia Provision sa iv'.

wriuu fucecpnoF. nnilca Is here- A right ot wav crvjKc, TOiiiirair Tha amount due on saa bono UP 10 mwiwuan no SPaVki-; Co tor const residence bv given that I will, on the 15th day Purposes ro w. "VKaaTJS'a-h 1. date of this notice Is as follows: ern California, a Public corporation, py CALL 823-3252 a.m. p.m.

Weekday ai i 1070 At HU IWUir Of IU NO. BUUW BSW IU "i i .1 Except Friday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. One Deed recorded October 31, 1969 In five Book 7330 Page 100 official records. Note: said property Is also shown on One licensed Land Surveyor's Map re-100 corded In Book 2 Pag. 48 record surveys.

purchaser to reacn KauMAIll aaa narial orovlslons become K. ru aaaauia Tuiaaiu The CIO-F xecutor Rosalie c. Jonn- Daar West Th rd Street, San uernaroino. om id land of Credit State of California, unless the amount cording to the officio Plal of Midland the property of th. purchaser and are i in.i AUinortza rawKw wi "BUNDLES -not reiurneo and.greerr-MS77-0,U due on id bondi(jnd the accrued approve nlne and 38100 son and Victor A.

Borgia, In their Due on account of recording Three indlvidua capac les, are owners of and no100 record of a portion of Mid property Due on account of search 8, mail and are loining In th. sale. Four and 40100 The Property Is located oeneraMy refund BONOS: Th. successful biddy w.H i TmVoVennti forth in th. third oaragraPh roadway Mnp.

within a triangular Of jy be required to turnisn pJIr. MS7-(to Men of this nolle are paid; and thai I porimn mto, "L-''" Materials Bond and a Faithful Per- nua ra- Mil the same to the person who will of the property here conveveo wim Total amount oue on saio oono une nurinoi nnni.iwi rzr the existing right. ot. way over ano (iT.Avn Street and Haven Avenue, Rancho prrator, for Co Med meshes, price or parcel or wng acros the. wast ao.teei ot "7S rnn" rli uSi Cucumonoa.

California. riwwnonw 151-EusinSS Personals 710 feet ot ine poriion ot wa -r-, 4 hut nnl thnl the full contract price. orlra. ftatf lying. North of th.

properly herrtn XnAntOT of the United Stales on confirmation Mtl Hlth conveyed. ti, .4. Af-kAOWiadOe ana SUPPOri wruu anu AjitoiM y. -v, of single family resi- oe requireo, logeirmr wi i p. ---r- nnlif an oiooers inai Dri lAAntiAi In Co: ollh all costs, Ihe mere is no AVOID SXTpS in any contract -r heot to cooperate bidder for the total arrtdunt due on a.

ia -ia Df. uuott An rinis ntered imo pursuant Abuse. said bond, together wim ine accrueo minority business en- with Nan wi AAniiiA. and cos Is of sale. rAS.3 JS Mr'" writing and 7 jiaw a.u aa aoDrova amvtiavu wnninno BAfiKRUPTCY I -A kt ra-aluauf IKa kWeaiH nH rA terprises wm "VVV-T" lU Dept Hlth Svs, increasing caseload of I shall deem saio toi or par- Spr nBs Rd Section 30, abstract ot title or title sei pflrtunlty to submit in resws.

uern ad wl0 t0 the holder of said u'iw of fwentynin. Palms b) reinstatement of So this Invitation and will not b. EJVongoo to 2000 participant provided In Section 4509 of the Streets T2N, R9E, NW of Twentymn. raims, em0Unts due, Ci'! wij wmmfc VSJh and Highways Code. CA, 5-altie.

and cost In Ih. 1 i mAfiAw Danalties. and costs the iniAr-Mt At anv time after the first publication TOe rannssasslons. foreclosure. manner nereoi ana iwrarn uo-w garnisnmenis suns.

on-solidate fc reduce pymts. thru of race, cwor, or iy Anorova aoreement with Chno UnW The lot or parcel or term rnennu. consideration for award. 01 toTnTsiri services for In said bond and to be sold is mora riT. Ir'ad to comptv U.S.

Court without borrowing ITMAPTPR 13 PLAN.) 'BsWert above tal amount, due accruing up Isold decedent. urnvB in mn pERiwiwinv i ichool-aoe parenting program Tr.5 5091 MB 84 Aoarova oavment of $51,000 to Lot 114, Tract No. iwi, wo. Fontana Unton Water Co due from Pgs. 19-25, Records of San Bernardino payment received from State Otc of County, California, S-Tvices under Pub Law Th.

L-mount due on sAflli Ka raW-AiutMi Ml aTOrMaia OTTP IW o.r,, ai.v. 11. wim th San Bernardino County Action Compliance Pro- 'rpRE VAILING WAGES: Pursuant to Section 1773 of the Labor Code, th. 'Ar Sec on of the Mreets ano cawv.uiui ui of said decedent. Highway Code.

Payment must be hereof and before date pt saie. SmZiZ? nnTJ ALBERT VIERI FREE COUNSELING Mam Dated this 26th day 'i' "TorTm oVsionaled as 12444 Victory Blvd. iv.ivi witvw gtwral prevailing rates of weoes Inthe for adtl 14 Due on the principal thereof Eight County of have been Hundred. Sevente. and 80f00 rr North Hollywood, CA 9104 17 YEARS Administratrix of the Estate which noUc of sa Decedent.

hall be published. STERN, BLANEY 4 KIT- Date: 0T79 8. 10879 IDF BELL LEGAL, EXPERIENCE tSrTi On. General Prevailing Iv Lake Gregory unty Three and 50100 AoTa firm of Hundred Seventy Three and 50100 aormant with law KAHN, TBf-l Wage Rate etfeetiv. on th.

data of BARRISTER BLDG. (213) 87-0326 and Attorney for Rosalie E. Johnson SEDACCA STORY 15910 Ventura 1501 Enclno, CA 91436 (213) 872-2308 and 995-1355 Attorney for Victor A. Borgia 38265 101-2-8 F1370 LFL CLINIC 8M-JI40 Chase at al to provide Htloatlon ser- vicefinnrtion with liability claims Due on accoun of penalties One fer 10879 10 7180. Aoprove aoreement for tech er- vtrM tor Automated Court Info Svs Due onaccount of recording Three Treasurer-Tax Collector County of Son Bernardino, Calif.

Bv Merjorie Anderson, Deputy Treasurer of the County of San Bernardino F14M Tishman Airport Center 5959 West Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 Attorneys for Administratrix 37733 105-8-12 F1472 FOR QUICK RESULTS lS6 CLASSIFIED ADS this nonce. DATE 10179 'JOHN R. SHONE County Road Rooer A. Teal Contracts Engineer -4 thru 1013 P145t with T.H.

Hudson. nd noiuu "oiiars.iw.uu. Due on account of search A mall Schedul. MONDAY, NOVEMBER JL, h. ilVayt-rSl.

The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.