The Times from Munster, Indiana (2024)

3Ionday, July 30, 1962 THE HA3BI0ND TDIES Page A-5- It-ft 1 i Of I- MORE WEEKEND ACTION 7 Killed In Highway It Happened in Illinois i 15 11 l- Welfare Patch-Up Faces Gov. Kerner meeting between Kerner and the Traffic Injure 7 Find Boy, 10 Shot, Killed In Own Home. CHICAGO (LTD-Waj-ne Wein- gart, 10. was found shot to death the bathroom of his Northwest Side home Sunday night. Police were seeking the boy's brother, Kenneth.

14, for questioning. Wayne was shot in the side and shoulder with a 30-30 Germa: made rifle. He was dead on arrival at a hospital. The shooting occurred while the boy's parents, John and Jane -sv vy 'A ii I. 1.4 rs Iff A 1 Accidents By uted Press International An 82-year-old man killed cross ing a highway in Milford Sunday brought Illinois weekend traffic death toll to seven.

Ernest McCoy, Milford, was hit by a car as he walked across Illinois 1 and was dead on arrival at a Watseka hospital. A hitchhiker was struck and killed Sunday by a hit-and-run driver along a highway south of Jacksonville. He was Alva Thomas Keith, 22. Jacksonville, recently discharged from service and returning home when hit by an unknown vehicle. John Westerdale, Moline, was killed Sunday in East Moline when he lost control of his auto while passing another car.

SATURDAY, Mrs. Patricia, Hay-du, 25, Clark, N.J., died a few hours after a car driven by her husband went out of control on Illinois 6 east of Princeton. Patricia An Webb, 4-month-oId daughter of Mrs. Diane Edwards, 21, Moline, died Saturday of injuries suffered when a car driven by her mother crashed into a utility pole in Moline. Near Granite City, Mary Ann Davidson, 20, of Granite City, was killed Saturday when the car in which she was riding crashed through a highway barricade.

George Claude Ray, 21, Belleville, was killed Saturday when his motorcycle collided headon with a car southwest of Belleville. IN LANSING 2 Sunday Collisions LANSING Seven persons were injured, two of them seriously, in two traffic accidents here early Sunday. Kenneth Worker, 21, of 2518 Hart and Robert W. Krucger. 21.

of 9206 Highland both of Highland, are in poor condition at St. Margaret Hospital today. They were passengers in a car driven by John D. James, 21, of 208 N. Jay Griffith, that went out of control and hit a parked car at 2524 Ridge police said.

Police arrested James for reckless driving. James told police he turned around to talk to his passengers in the back heat before his westbound auto struck the parked car of Kathryn Rausch. 3658 Monroe Lansing. The impact pushed her car 230 feet. Also hurt in the accident were James and two other passengers in his auto, Victor Pauline, 21, of 8753 Kleinman Highland, and Ronald P.

Walworth, 20, of 7212 Oakdale Hammond. The accident happened about 3 a.m. A HEAD-ON collision on Tor-rence- Ave. at Bernice Rd. about 1:15 a.m.

injured Daryl F. Hoyt, 23, of 1095 Wallace Gary, driv Weingart, were visiting at thr home of a married daughter. Th couple has 16 surviving children. Neighbors heard the shots and called police, Tolice said Kenneth" and Wayne were believed to have been the only ones at the Wein-. gart home when the shooticz: occurred.

Kiddie Parade Starts at 2 P.M. LANSING Children who will take part in the annual kiddie -parade in Lansing Tuesday need not be registered, parade officials said today. The event will start at 2 p. m. but youngsters must assemble at Lake and Williams streets in cos- tume at 1:30 p.

m. Parade will be judged by Oar- Legion Leaders Newly installed officers of American Legion Post 330, Calumet City, are seated Andrew Lakatos (left) commander, and John Smolenski, senior vice commander, and standing Lester E. Crowley (left) sergeant-atarms, and Stanley Boyda, finance officer. Recover Over 2,000 Birth Defect Pills i samples of the drug. Sunday, Illinois State Medical Society trustees voted to direct the group's maternal welfare commit-; tee to investigate thalidomide dis- tribution on a statewide scale.

Dr. Franklin D. Yoder, state health director, said his department will work with the commit-1 tee. The search for the drug in Chi- cago will take another "three or four weeks," Andelman said. In- vestigators are folllowing up two telephone calls from mothers who blamed deformities of their children on thalidomide.

no GO NO FURTHER! GET THE BEST DEAL on a DODGE at BOHLING'S SALE NOW! BOHLING AUTO SALES I42S Hommeid PHONI WI 3-0MS Optm Men. mni Thar: t. fM. IBS SPRINGFIELD (VPV Gov. Otto Kerwr today tackled the task of piecing together the state'i shattered welfare program.

In action over the weekend: Dr. Walter H. Baer, chairman of the Peoria mental hospital site committee and a member of the governor's mental health advisory committee, resigned with a parting shot at what he called the "spoils politics" of Kerner and Dr. Francis Gerty, head of the Illinois Department of Mental Health. Former Republican Gov.

Stratton expressed dismay at Kerner's mental health program and called it a "shame." Raymond Hilliard, Cook County welfare director, claimed there was a move under way to discredit the Illinois Public Aid Com mission, which has battled Kerner over a proposed 10 per cent cut in relief checks. And Republican State Rep. Bernard McDevitt charged the dispute between Kerner and the IPAC "was getting out of hand." AS IF THIS weren't enough, the resignation of IPAC Chairman C. Virgil Martin takes effect Tuesday. Samuel Goldsmith, who will serve as presiding officer of the commission, said he will press for a meeting with Kerner in an attempt to set straight the issues of the welfare squabble.

i The resignation of Baer raised new problems for Kerner, already at an impasse with the IPAC over how to meet public id costs. Baer said the programs of the mental health department are "fantasy-fringed, unrealistic and impractical." He said Illinois hospitals for the mentally ill and retarded offer substandard patient care. He charged the state has failed to recruit qaulified personnel and has not provided promised salary increases and promotions. Baer, who campaigned for Kerner, said, "Now I'm discouraged and disappointed." STRATTON, defeated by Kerner in the gubernatorial race, said Kerner's mental health program "kind of burns me up." "It's a shame that it's all twisted," he said. Stratton said the Kerner administration was misusing the $150 million mental health bond issue by allocating $47 million for construction of mental health clinics.

Meanwhile, the public aid controversy continued unabated, with pressure building' for another Today's Trade Fair Schedule HOURS 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. ADMISSION-Adults, children, 7J rents. WHERE McCormick Place, 23rd street and lake front. p.m.

Exhibits open to public. 3, I p.m. Hawaiian Ski Show, lake front. 1:30 p.m. Connie Mitchell Show.

4:30 p.m. Music Wagon Show. 19 p.m. Fireworks, lake front. Moose Picnic RRVEY Harvey Moose Chap ter 811 will hold its annual picnic next Sunday on the Moose Home grounds, 15332 Dixie Highway, from 10 a.m.

to 7 p.m. I I public aid commission. KERXER'S charges of "empire building" within the IPAC drew 'a blank from commission members, who said they didn't know what Kerner was talking about But Raymond Hilliard, Cook County welfare director, charged immediately that there was a move underfoot to discredit the commission. Proposals for a face-to-face confrontation between the gover Snor and the aid commission came from State Auditor Michael How' jlett. State Rep.

Bernard Mc iDevitt R-Chicago and Samuel Goldsmith, who is taking Martin's post on the commission. Kerner's last meeting with the IPAC, a secret confab in Chicago July 11, produced two weeks of relative peace. Parole Board Gels Crump Plea Today CHICAGO (UPI) Condemned slayer Paul Crump meditated in solitary confinement today, awaiting word on whether ha will keep his 15th date with the electric chair Friday morning. The Illinois Pardon and Parole Board planned to hear Crump's final plea for clemency today. The extraordinary session of the board was called by Gev.

Otto Kerner, who will make the decision on whether Crump will die for the 1953 robbery slaying of a plant guard. At his own request, Crump was placed in solitary confinement Saturday. He asked to be moved to an isolation cell 20 steps from the electric chair "out of a desire to use what may be these last moments of life in meditations." CRUMP, a 32 year-old Negro, based his 200-page petition for clemency on the claim that he has been rehabilitated during his nine years behind bars. He has won 14 stays of execution of the death sentence, five more thanj best-selling Caryl Chess-1 man, who was sent to the gas chamber in California, touching! off a capital punishment controversy in that state. SLOGANS such as "Spare Crump," and "Do Away With The Chair" appeared in Chicago's Loop Sunday, scrawled on the walls of buildings.

Crump, like Chessman has tried his hand at writing while behind bars. His novel, "Burn, Killer, Burn," is to be published this year. The last execution at Chicago's Cook County jail was that of Vincent Ciucci on March 23. Ciucci killed his wife and children and burned his grocery store in an effort to conceal the crime so that he might collect insurance and live with his mistress. Ciucci received 12 stays of execution before he died in the electric chair.

Hold Ex.Puhlic Enemy No. 1 In 14 Robbery CHICAGO (AP) Thomas Robinson 55, an escaped convict, who was ranked the nation's public enemy No. 1 after he kidnaped a wealthy Kentucky socialite for $30,000 ransom in 1934. was held by police today for a $14 drug store robbery. OR MORE CHICAGO (LTD The Chicago, Health Department, determined "to account for every pill," this weekend collected more than 2,000 thalidomide tablets the tranquilizer blamed for birth deformities.

Dr. Samuel Andelman, city health commissioner, said a team of investigators has been working since Friday to recover samples of the drug. "We are taking no chances," he said. He said the Cincinnati pharmaceutical house, William S. Mer-rel issued a statement asserting that practically all samples of the drue were turned in when the firm recalled the pill in; March.

"If we had accepted the com-j pany statement," Andelman said. "there would be more than 2,000 tablets in circulation here." "We will try to account fori every pill," he added. ANDSLMAN said one doctor turned over 1.900 capsules to the Chicago Health Department and another sent a batch of Lh same number back to the drug firm. Another doctor surrendered a sealed bottle of 100 pills, Andelman said. The Illinois Health Department said over the weekend that nearly 80 Illinois physicians received Heads Fund Drive SOUTH HOLLAND Mrs.

Mel Spellman, 9660 S. Ogleshy Chicago, has been named chair-; man of the Sept. 9-15 door-lo-door: City of Hope fund raising cam-j paign in South Holland, Dolton and Riverdale. Funds raised help support a Calif, hospital that specializes in treatment of leukemia, blood, heart and crippling chest diseases. er of one car.

and Shirley Kepser. 22, of 224 154th PL, Calumet City, passenger in Hoyt's car. Both were treated it St. Margaret Hospital and released. Aurel J.

Gavrilla, 22. of 5105 Adams Gary, driver of a southbound car, police said. swerved into the path of Hoyt's! car, was arrested for reckless! driving and lack of a valid driver license. The collision occurred where Torrence avenue is being widened but where traffic is now routed into two lanes. Gavrilla and a passenger in his car, Charles Rosich, 26, of 101 Adams Gary, escaped injury.

Urges Federal Work Foree Be Reduced WASHING TON. (UPI) The Council of State Chambers of Commerce has suggested that (some government job vacancies should go unfilled to help give a pay raise to federal employes. The council said in a statement Sunday that by reducing the government's work force through normal attrition and rigidly limiting the number of new jobs, the cost of a modest pay hike would be defrayed. Expect to OIL HEAT DEALER OR A MPUTAIli Help in Vou Can't The Police Thera is one form of "robbery" in which a home owner must protect himself when a crooked firm talks you out of a perfectly good OIL HEAT system, in favor of switching to another fuel you can't call the police. You've got to be sure not to fall for this pitch in the first place! Be sure before you leap into a "deal" with some "operator" who gets into your home via the telephone call, or the door-to-door approach.

It can cost you "a fortune" to change heating fuels when it is not necessary to do so if your OIL HEAT merely needs minor service or a small part, an unscrupulous "fast buck" salesman can talk you out of it for the PROFITS involved for himself! Be careful. Investigate any firm that trys to pressure YOU into changing your fuel to another type. No matter how phony he is, the police can't help you. DON'T LET ANYONE TAKE AWAY YOUR You're welcome to our You're welcome to our money for car repairs, house repairs, clothes, or travel at The Associates where you can borrow for just about anything. Whether it's a large, unexpected bill that's putting a strain on your budget, or several smaller ones, yau can get the cash you need from The Associates.

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to I Tum. thm hi. to II Hill iii mmm".

The Times from Munster, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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