Wednesday One Shots - Chapter 9 - Hades_LastSon21 (2024)

Chapter Text

Wednesday’s POV

14th of September, 2011

“You’re pretty,” I raised my head up from my book to see a blonde boy grinning at me. “And I am very good with a knife so begone,” I glared at the boy who climbed on the table and sat on it. “I’m Eddie what’s your name?” I looked at the blonde boy taking in his slight unkempt clothes and hair that was mostly in his eyes that were a bright blue.

He kept his grin on his face even with my silence. I just went back to my book but the boy did not move and just sat there staring at me.

21st of September, 2011

“HEY FREAK!” I heard as I felt a rock being thrown at my head, but I didn’t flinch. “COME ON FREAK TALK!” I heard the boy yell but then there was a yelp and I turned to see the blonde boy was on top of the thrower of rocks, “you leave her alone she’s not a freak she’s pretty and you are a bully.” The taller boy looked like he was about to wet himself, “you’re both freaks wolf boy.”

I tilted my head as claws come out of the boys fingers and a growl passed his lip, “you leave the pretty girl alone or else.” The taller boy nod his head tears falling down his cheeks and the blonde boy got off him. The blue eyes met mine and he came over to be tilting his head, “do you need the doctor?” I felt the back of my head seeing blood then looked back at the boy who looked at my hand then fainted.

I raised an eyebrow and moved to him, “interesting.” The teacher came over and picked up the boy and took us both to the nurses office. The nurse checked out my head then grabbed smelling salts for the blonde boy. “Please tell me you did not cause this Miss. Addams,” I looked up at the nurse and back at the boy, “I did not he saw blood from my head and dropped dead.”

The nurse shook her head and once the boy was coming around, I watched as blue eyes blink open, “what happened?” He whispered and the nurse sighed, “you fainted Eddie. With how often you come in here I should start giving you a punch card.” The blonde looked at me, “is the pretty girl alright?”

The nurse raised an eyebrow and turned to me, “yeah she will be fine.” The nurse left and the boy kept his eyes on me, “Wednesday.” The boy frowned, “I’m pretty sure it’s Friday.” I stared at him for a few seconds, “my name is Wednesday.” The boys eyes widen, “oh I’m sorry I um I like your name.” He blushed and I kept staring at him, “and you know my name is Eddie I mean unless you forgot but yeah Eddie.”

“By the claws currently out I assume you are not a normie,” I stated and he looked down at his claws that are painted black, “werewolf.” I nod and he looked up, “you aren’t a normie either… I can smell it.” I stared into blue eyes then spoke, “I am an Addams.”

“Wednesday Addams,” he whispered under his breathe. “Yes,” I said and he grinned, “Eddie Sinclair.” I raised an eyebrow, “so your full first name is Eddie?” He blushed, “well I mean it actually Edwin but that makes me sound ancient.” I looked at the fidgeting boy, “I agree the name Edwin is quite unfortunate. But Eddie at least is a character in Steven King’s books. He dies trying to save his lover.” Eddie frowned, “I’d save you.”

“Very well you can be my pet but don’t even think about licking me,” I stated and Eddie blushed, “I’m a werewolf not a dog.” I raised an eyebrow and the boy looked down, “okay no licking.” I nod and he got off the table and held his hand out for me to jump down but I did so without his help.

Once I landed next to him I snapped my fingers, “come now puppy.” Eddie grinned and started to follow after me.

31st of October, 2011

I was sitting at my usual table when suddenly I looked up seeing the bubbly werewolf sitting on top of it in a superman shirt with a cape grinning from ear to ear, “hiya Wednesday.” I raised an eyebrow and he just kept grinning, “I assume this is your Halloween costume?” He nod his head, “yeah I’m superman but with claws! What is your costume.” I smirked, “I’m a homicidal maniac they just look like everyone else.”

“You don’t look like everyone else you are much much prettier,” Eddie grinned and I raised an eyebrow but looked back down at my book, “thank you puppy.” We sat in silence until lunch was over, “so Wednesday does your family do Halloween?” I nod, “yes all the Addams come and we have a celebration. Sometimes we dig up the dead too.” Eddie grinned, “so cool but no blood right?”

“We will work on your fear of blood and gore,” I stated and Eddie followed behind me, “I’m not scared I just don’t like looking at it.” I stopped and Eddie walked in front of me and I looked up at the boy, “are you going to make me watch you hunt like Mama does?” I frowned at the fear in his face, “no that would not work we will start small. I don’t like scaring my pets away.”

He smiled softly, “thank you Wednesday.” I pushed his unkept hair out of his eyes, “how else will you help me hide bodies.” He looked down, “can’t let my master down.” Eddie grinned and then barked and I smirked, “good puppy.”

10th of November, 2011

“My little storm cloud you appear to have an admirer,” Father told me and I looked to see Eddie hiding behind a statue every now and again looking at me but quickly hiding again. “That is my pet puppy he is quite useful,” I said and then I heard a growl and I turned to a greying woman, “EDWIN!” I watched as my puppy got dragged out and when I saw the woman yell for him to be more like his brothers, I could no longer see my happy little puppy anymore which for some reason bothered me.

Once the woman walked away back to her family I whistled and Eddie’s head snapped up to me and walked over, “sorry I didn’t mean to-”

“Silence puppy,” I told him and he did as he was told. “Father. Mother. This is my pet puppy.” Father grinned and clapped the boy on his shoulders, “it is good to meet you my boy.” Mother cupped the boy’s face then smiled at him, “what is your name darling.”

“Eddie ma’am Eddie Sinclair,” suddenly my happy puppy was back. “And you are protecting our little storm cloud?” Father asked and Eddie grinned, “with everything in me sir.” Father grabbed my mother, “oh Cara Mia they remind me of us when we were young.” I glared at him, “we are nothing like you and Mother.” Mother smiled at me, “love will always win Wednesday.” I frowned but before we could speak the woman from before yelled out, “EDWIN!”

Eddie turned to me, “I guess I will see you next year Wednesday.” I tilted my head and he rubbed the back of his neck, “Mama always takes us to the woods for Winter break and won’t bring us back until school returns but I promise I won’t forget about you… will you forget me?”

I shook my head, “no puppy now go before you Mother is on the wrong end of my knife.” Eddie grinned and held out his arms causing me to frown, “Hug?” He asked and I looked up into blue eyes, “3 to 4 seconds.” Eddie quickly wrapped me into his arms and I took in his scent that was quite comforting after all this time.

After the time was up Eddie ran over to his mother and I watched him.

“You can’t run from the Addams Family Curse my little tarantula,” Father grinned and I huffed, “guess I will have to be the first one to do so.”

12th of January, 2012

“Wednesday?” I looked up at Eddie and he smiled softly, “can I um ask you a question?” I nod and he plays with his claws, “do you believe in soulmates?” I frowned and his fidgeting got worse, “I mean it’s okay if you don’t or anything-”

“Yes puppy I believe in soulmates,” I cut him off and it took a second for him to process that information then blue eyes snapped to mine. “My parents are soulmates. It is part of our family curse. Every Addams has a soulmate and once we meet them we would do anything for them. We would kill for them and die for them. We would even kill ourselves to follow them into the afterlife if it came to that.” Eddie looked like he was about to cry.

“Werewolves have mates too. It’s almost forgotten about these day because people want to marry for power or status not for love. But every werewolf has a mate. I always dreamed about them and what it would be like. Mama says it’s just a fantasy that I will grow out of,” Eddie sighed and I reached out an grabbed the boy’s hand.

“Love gets us all eventually puppy,” I told him and he smiled playing with my fingers. “Do you love me?” He whispered and I tilted my head and he blushed, “sorry you don’t have to answer that.” His head was down making his hair cover his eyes. “I would kill to protect you Eddie,” I told him and he smiled looking up at me with those watery blue eyes, “I’d help you hide the body.”

“OKAY EVERYONE COME BACK TO CLASS,” the teacher called out and Eddie got off the table and held his hand out to help me up and for the first time since we met I excepted his help. As I was pulled up Eddie hugged me tightly, “thank you Wednesday.”

I lent my head on Eddie’s shoulder and when he pulled back he had a grin on his face, “let’s go get this day over with.”

13th of January, 2012

“Happy Birthday Wednesday!” I turned around to see Eddie with a black cake and 6 candles. I raised an eyebrow and he grinned, “I asked Mr. Gomez when your birthday was when you were talking to Mrs. Morticia.” I looked down at the cake, “you know this means I am older then you right.” Eddie put the cake in front of me, “yeah but I am stronger and taller.”

Eddie handed me a fork and got one for himself, “come on Wednesday it’s your birthday aren’t you excited?” I stabbed the cake and put it in my mouth tasting the bitter dark chocolate, “no. The only good thing about birthdays are that we are all one year closer to death.”

Eddie grinned, “well I like birthdays it’s the only day when Mama doesn’t hit me.” I looked up into blue eyes and frowned, “she shouldn’t be hitting you at all Puppy.” Eddie shrugged, “it’s okay when I get older and become a big strong wolf Mama will love me again. But until then I’m just the runt of the litter.”

“You are my runt puppy and if your Mother hurts you too much one day you are welcome to stay with me and my family,” I told him and he stares into my eyes, “I wish I was apart of your family they are all so cool.”

“Maybe one day you will be,” I told me and the grin on his face lit up like the fireworks I set off on New Years or the electricity from my uncle Fester. “I want to be with you forever Wednesday,” he grabbed my hand and moved it quickly, “oh I got you a present too!”

The puppy pulled out a box from behind his back. It was black but small causing me to frown. Eddie fiddled with the box, “it know it’s not much but Dad took me to get it and I just really wanted to give this to you.” Eddie handed me the box and I unwrapped and opened it to see a silver bullet on a necklace, “it’s actually a real working bullet in case you ever need it I mean werewolves are dangerous and I just want you to have something on you that can help if one ever attacks you.”

I traced my fingers over the bullet, “it’s beautiful Eddie.” I was at a complete loss of words until I remembered yesterday’s conversation on soulmates. So he feels the connection too. That explains why he has stuck around me for so long while others give up after the first week.

“I except your gift and you will receive a response by tomorrow,” I told him and he frowned but shook it off, “do you want me to put it on you?” Eddie asked and I nod. The boy came and clipped the necklace around my neck, “can I hug you?” Eddie whispered and I looked up into blue eyes thinking about it for a second.

I mean it is not like he is asking for us to fornicate like mother and father all he was asking for was a hug.

“Yes you may,” I answered and suddenly I was surrounded by the warmth of the werewolf. At least I will always have my own personal puppy heater. I relaxed into the werewolf making sure that the sliver bullet doesn’t touch him.

14th of January, 2006

As I finished bleeding the stag I dragged him to the Sinclair front door and moved to the bush watching the house hoping that Eddie appreciates the gift that I made sure had no blood on it whatsoever as to not make him faint.

The first out of the house was Murrey Sinclair who looked at the stag then around. He grabbed the note I left and called for Eddie who came running down, “yes Dad? Why is there a Deer here?” Eddie sniffed then Murrey handed him the note. I remember the words I wrote exactly,

‘I have made sure there is no blood for you.

-Forever yours Wednesday Addams’

Eddie looked around then back to the stag, “Dad can you cook this for breakfast?” Eddie asked and Murrey smiled softly, “come on Son I will show you how to appreciate a good kill like this and it appears you have good taste in women. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a stag killed so beautiful.”

I moved out of the bush and headed back home to get ready for school the silver bullet pressed against my heart and my courtship excepted.

3rd of February, 2006

“Wednesday!” I turned to the over excited puppy who was grinning, “yes.” Eddie was bouncing on his feet, “Mama said that I can invite a friend for my birthday and I want you to come please.” I stared at Eddie for a few minutes then nod, “I will come.” Eddie squealed in joy and pulled me into a hug. After so long I don’t think I mind his touch any more.

12th of February, 2006

I was walking with Father up the driveway of Eddie’s house. When we got to the door Father knocked. We waited a few minutes and the door flew open to the sight of the grey haired woman that hurts my puppy. “Oh you. Edwin I told you to stop hanging out with this freak,” the older woman spat and I heard Eddie, “Mama she’s my mate don’t call her that.” Father cleared his throat, “may we come inside.” The older woman growled and walked inside grabbing Eddie and pushed him out the door, “just take him out do whatever.”

With that said she slammed the door and I look at Eddie, “what would you like to do Puppy?” I asked and we all walked back to the family hearse. “I’m not allowed to do what I really want,” Eddie whispered and I frowned as we got in the back seat, “it is your birthday we can do whatever you want to do.” Eddie stared at me then looked down, “I want to get my nails painted.” Father grinned, “a spa day it is would you like just your nails or nail nails too?”

Eddie’s head shot up, “I can get my both done?” Father grinned, “of course my dear boy.” Eddie turned to me, “would that be okay?” I nod, “yes puppy it is your birthday we will do whatever you want.”

3rd of March, 2006

Eddie hasn’t been to school I weeks which is very concerning since his mother wouldn’t let him stay home even if he was a breath away from death. So I got Father to drive me past their house but I saw nothing weird. I got out of the car and walked up to the door and slowly knocked. There was nothing. I picked the lock and walked inside but the house was completely empty, “EDDIE!” I yelled but silence. I felt my heart beating so hard in my chest my breath short. Nothing was helping.

Eddie was gone.

My soulmate was gone and I don’t know where.

Suddenly the world went black.

9th of October, 2022

“And this is your room,” Larissa Weems smiled. “Our old dorm room oh the memories,” Mother sighed and Larissa Weems opens the door. “And this is your roommate Enid Sinclair.” I flinched at the last name. It is one I haven’t heard in a long time. I turned to the blonde girl who skipped up to me grinning going to take me into a hug but I stepped back.

“Not a hugger got it,” Enid smiled and backed up. “Enid this is Wednesday Addams,” Weems told the perky blonde. “Wednesday…” Enid whispered then looked back at me. “Can you give her the tour and pick up her uniform?” Weems asked and Enid nod, “of course.” I turned to see both my parents smiling and walked past them glaring. I heard the perky blonde skip behind me.

Something about her makes me feel something. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,” Enid whispered and I turned around quickly, “what.” Enid blushed, “sh*t did you forget about me?” I frowned and she whispered again, “Wednesday?” I looked deep into blue eyes and I remember the feeling but this is not the 6 year old boy I remember. “Enid,” I whispered the name to myself and Enid blushed, “you didn’t know me as Enid.” My head snapped up but we were interrupted by someone. “Hey pup,” the vampire came over wrapping her arm around Enid’s shoulder.

“Who short dark and mysterious?” The vampire asked and Enid just stared at me, “Wednesday.” The vampire froze and looked at me, “Wednesday as in THE Wednesday?” The vampire looked me up and down, “damn how the hell did you find her?” I stared at the vampire, “she didn’t need to find me I just needed to drop piranhas in the swim teams pool.” The vampire gulps, “sh*t like really that wasn’t like made up.” I stared at the vampire, “he will never have children again.”

“Yoko can Wednesday and I have some alone time,” Enid said and Yoko nodded, “see you later pup.” Enid turned back to me and we started the tour. “What happened to you?” I asked as we picked up my uniform. “When Mama found out what we did for my birthday she went nuts saying that you were corrupting me and I needed to be fixed. 8 years later I came out as trans to Yoko and she helped me get into the body that was right for me.”

“I’m glad that you are finally happy within your own body,” I smiled at the werewolf who grinned, “I am and I really want to get to know your body too,” Enid winked and I felt a flush crawl up my neck. We walked back to the room and I get changed and walk down to say goodbye to my family. Pugsley hugs me as does Father. When Mother walked up brushing her hand along my cheek, “you will be happier if you stay with your beloved.” I stared deeply into my Mother’s eyes, “how long have you known I’d meet Enid again?” Mother smiled, “since you were 14 I saw a vision of your wedding.”

“I am not you Mother,” I stated and Mother smiled, “I know you are Wednesday and you have your mate again don’t run from your second chance of love.” I slowly nod to my Mother, “goodbye Mother.”

“Let your heart lead you my darling viper.”

Wednesday One Shots - Chapter 9 - Hades_LastSon21 (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

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Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.